With help from at least two Muslim Brotherhood affiliates – MPAC and the Arab-American Institute, the FBI purges documents and presentations of “unfavorable” representations of Muslims. Unconscionable! - J.L.> An internal FBI investigation into its counterterrorism training has purged hundreds of bureau documents of instructional material about Muslims, some of which characterized them as prone to violence or terrorism. The bureau disclosed initial findings from its months-long review during a meeting at FBI headquarters on Wednesday with several Arab and Muslim advocacy groups, attended by Director Robert Mueller. So far, the inquiry has uncovered and purged over 700 pages of documentation from approximately 300 presentations given to agents since 9/11 — some of which were similar to briefings published by Danger Room last year describing “mainstream” Muslims as “violent.” And more disclosures may be forthcoming, as the FBI continues its inquiry and... By Alan Dershowitz Stonegate Institute Some political scientists and state department officials, who call themselves “realists”, question Israel’s value as an American ally. They are wrong, and recent events confirm how wrong they are and have been. MUST WATCH VIDEO: A brilliant and inspiring ode to American conservatism by Britain’s shining parliamentary star! A MUST LISTEN! By Daniel Greenfield The liberal deconstruction of Zionism begins with the Jews as the victims and ends with the Jews as oppressors. To understand their mindset it is enough to see a protest banner of the Star of David transformed into a Swastika paralleling the journey from concentration camp victim to concentration camp guard. There is a certain amount of historical revisionism in play here, and not just the obvious kind. The left had been calling Zionists, Fascists and later Nazis, before there was a modern State of Israel and before the left was hard at work pretending that it cared about Muslim militias and clans who would later be rebranded as the Palestinian people. A meaningless name up there with the South American people. Shlomo Cesana, Daniel Siryoti and The Associated Press, ISRAEL HAYOM Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Ron Prosor urges the international community to stop the bloodshed in Syria, says President Assad has no moral authority to govern • U.S. says it is closely monitoring Syria’s stockpiles of chemical arms and portable anti-aircraft missiles. While normally shying away from official statements concerning the 11-month Syrian uprising, Israel’s Ambassador to the U.N. Ron Prosor on Monday urged the international community to stop the bloodshed in Syria, telling the General Assembly that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has “no moral authority to govern.” “These pictures of helplessness in the face of death... By Zalman Shoval, ISRAEL HAYOM Clouds have formed on the U.S.-Israeli diplomatic horizon, almost without our noticing. Whereas our prime minister has made it abundantly clear that a Palestinian government that includes Hamas cannot be a partner for peace, U.S. officials have said that the administration does not oppose the Doha declaration — that is, the agreement brokered by the Qatari king on Feb. 5 between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mashaal. By Y. AMISHAV * The popular uprisings, hailed as the “Arab Spring” in many Arab states, were directed against despotic leaders and adamantly called for regime change. These despots, who invariably represented a minority, either ethnic, tribal, religious, or the privileged army juntas, ruled for decades, by brutal force. Their unmitigated ruthlessness and kleptocracy kept the vast majority of the population in a state of fear and subjection, hunger and rage. The current uprisings followed the traditional pattern of regime change in the Moslem world: an army coup deposes a ruler, who is then deposed by a “popular” uprising organized by the Islamists, Salafists or Moslem Brotherhoods, and assorted other “hoods”, claiming to restore “Pure Islam”, that is Sharia. Ben Ali in Tunisia, Mubarak in Egypt and Kaddafi in Libya were deposed in this manner and are being invariably replaced by the Islamists. The dramatic increase in active advocacy for Israel in the Reform movement was obvious at the URJ’s recent Biennial Convention held in Washington DC. That convention featured a number of speakers whose speeches primarily focused on Israel and a number of others whose speeches contained significant references to Israel. All of the speeches delivered were supportive of a strong US-Israel relationship. The conference as a whole was very comfortable to a regular attendee of the AIPAC Policy Conference featuring speeches from President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Former Israeli Prime Minister and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Ambassador Michael Oren and Natan Sharansky. In addition to those notable political figures, Rabbi Dick Hirsch delivered an inspiring speech about the importance of Israel advocacy and Zionism in the Reform movement and both Rabbi Eric Yoffie and Rabbi Rick Jacobs noted the Reform movement’s strong support... Human rights campaigners need to follow a self-denying ordinance if they are not to become enemies of the values they espouse. Like a civil servant or judge, they must leave their passions at the office door, and oppose the oppressive, whoever they are and whatever the consequences. It is easy for me to say that, but the record of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International tells you that it is hard for them to do so. To their politically committed workers impartiality can feel a thin and bloodless doctrine. It requires them to criticise people they regard as friends and provide inadvertent comfort to enemies. by Bill Levinson Militant Muslims from Iran have threatened to take their terroristic violence across national borders as described at Warning Iran Against Hitting ‘Soft’ American Targets by Alan Dershowitz. The fact that these militant Muslims have declared themselves to be beyond the pale of civilized conduct underscores the need for Jews around the world to provide themselves with firearms to reason with these individuals in the only language...FBI Purges Hundreds of Terrorism Documents in Islamophobia Probe
Dershowitz. “Israel is America’s most reliable ally”
Israel will always remain a strong American ally because it shares an American commitment to democracy, to freedom of religion, to freedom of expression and to an open market economy. It also shares a common commitment to fight against terrorism and other threats to the security of the United States—a commitment that is less that vigorous among some European countries.
There is no doubt that America helps Israel enormously, as it should help those who share our democratic values. But there is also no doubt that Israel helps the United States considerably, by sharing its extraordinary intelligence-gathering capabilities, its military R&D, its computer know-how and other intangibles. As other nations...Daniel Hannan at CPAC 2012 – BRILLIANT
Power and Weakness in Zion
The reason why the left damned the Zionists as fascists had nothing to do with oppression and everything to do with the left’s rejection of a unique national identity for the Jewish people. Even the left leaning Zionist movements still linked...In first statement, Israel urges end to ‘Assad’s systematic murder’
Prosor told the assembly that the graphic pictures emerging from Syria and the reports of bloodshed cannot be ignored. The U.N. estimates that more than 5,000 people have been killed in the 11-month-long uprising that aims to topple Assad’s regime and seeks reform.Is the US moving closer to Hamas?
Everyone knows that tornadoes start small, and we need to stop this one before it spirals into a massive storm. Washington’s statement, to the effect that it does not oppose the declaration, is no doubt reserved. And it is further conditioned on the terms set by the Middle East Quartet, including that Hamas must halt terrorism and abide by existing agreements between Israel and the Palestinians, which implies it must recognize Israel. But not only would such recognition...The case for regime change in Jordan
The Assad regime in Syria, which has been in power for 42 years is a...The Growing Tide of Reform Jewish Support for Israel
Whatever happened to Human Rights?
The effort required in maintaining universal principles is too much for them, and explains why human rights organisations have gone off the rails. If you need convincing, look at the introduction to the Human Rights Watch’s World Report 2012 by Kenneth Roth, its ‘Executive Director’. is grandiose title is warning enough. It suggests that...Iranians Threaten Jewish Targets in U.S.
As Iran’s Rafah news website—identified with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—threatened last month, Iran plans to “take the war beyond the borders of Iran, and beyond the borders of the region.” …These and other recent threats have, according to news reports, led Israeli and American authorities to believe that Iran is preparing attacks against Israeli embassies and consulates world-wide, as well as against Jewish houses of prayer, schools, community centers, restaurants and other soft targets.
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Thursday, 16 February 2012
We are for Israel by Rabbi Kaufman
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Britannia Radio