Monday, 13 February 2012

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An attack on Iran? Interview on Shalom TV

by Isi Leibler
February 13, 2012

I attach, for those interested, the link to an interview with Mark Golub of Shalom TV which focuses on Israeli support for a pre-emptive strike against Iran and whether Israel needs US consent to do so.

Rabbi Mark Golub, the head of Shalom TV, skillfully covers the complexities and high stakes of an Israeli attack on Iran.

The interview can be watched on YouTube

Shalom TV is an independent non-profit Jewish Television Network that fosters Jewish understanding, strengthens Jewish identity and inspires Jewish commitment through its comprehensive mainstream programming. Areas emphasized on this Free Video On Demand Network are Jewish studies, Israel, major community events, news analysis, movies, children, and culture. It is available in over 40 million homes in the United States and Canada. Many of its programs are also on its website,