Monday, 13 February 2012

Like I said HSI- Human Survival Instinct... Works every time!

It Begins.........There will be no stopping this contagion now!

Yahoo! The pain'll be worth it.....

Spanish village goes back to peseta as euro crisis takes hold:

Residents turn to old money kept in case single currency folded


Last updated at 5:07 PM on 13th February 2012

A desperate Spanish village has turned back time and re-introduced the peseta in a bid to kick-start its ailing local economy.

Residents in Villamayor de Santiago, 80 miles southeast of Madrid, initially held onto the old money for fear the euro would fold.

In recent months their prediction, made when their national currency was phased out ten years ago, has inched closer to coming true.

They have been hit with spiralling unemployment - one third of the village's 2,500 residents are out of work - and a nationwide dwindling ofconfidence in the single currency.

Bring back the peseta: the desperate Spanish village of Villamayor de Santiago has turned back time and re-introduced the peseta in a bid to kick-start its ailing local economy

Bring back the peseta: the desperate Spanish village of Villamayor de Santiago has turned back time and re-introduced the peseta in a bid to kick-start its ailing local economy

The price of basic foodstuffs has also risen by a staggering 43 per cent since 2002 and there are fears Spain may have to be bailed out by the eurozone.

Shopkeepers in the village took the drastic step of going back to the peseta in the hope that some residents would still have old coins and notes left lying around their homes.

And their gamble seems to have worked - with 6,000 euros worth of pesetas being spent since 30 businesses started accepting it in January.

And the village now believes it could spark a nationwide clamour by citizens estimated to still have 1.7billion euros worth of pesetas.

This is because, unlike other eurozone countries, pesetas can still be exchanged for euros at the Bank of Spain in Madrid where a deadline for turning in old money was never set.

Luis Miguel Campayo, head of Villamayor's merchants' association, came up with the idea after realising sceptical residents had held on to their pesetas 'just in case the euro folds'.

Exchange: The euro and peseta exchange rate stood at 166.386 pesetas per euro when the single currency was aligned in January 1999

Exchange: The euro and peseta exchange rate stood at 166.386 pesetas per euro when the single currency was aligned in January 1999

He said: 'We realised there's no money here - well, no euros anyway - in the pockets of our customers.'

Once the scheme ends, in February, they will then take the accumulated amount to Madrid and exchange them for euros, and then return the share to each of the firms.

The success of the peseta, of which 166.386 equated to a euro when the latter was introduced, in Villamayor comes as Spain's new conservative government approved sweeping labour market reforms last week.

Troubled times: New Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is trying to turn around the country's economy

Troubled times: New Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is trying to turn around the country's economy

It is part of a drive to revive a sick economy and solve Europe's worst unemployment nightmare - a jobless rate of nearly 23 per cent.

The plan is designed to encourage companies to hire more people by cutting government-mandated severance packages and offering tax breaks for taking on young people.

But the fast-track approval of the measures generated violent clashes between riot police and protesters who say they will be stripped of cherished worker benefits.

More than 500 held a peaceful rally in Madrid's central Puerta de Sol plaza late on Friday, but it turned violent after some tried to march toward parliament and were blocked by police.

Scuffles broke out, with officers using batons on demonstrators. At least eight protesters were detained and several officers sustained minor injuries, Spanish media reported.

Before the mayhem, protester Cristina Fernandez waved a placard saying 'Every cut mutilates my rights' and said the labour reforms won't achieve the government's goals.

'To reduce unemployment, you need to create jobs, not simplify firing,' said Fernandez, a 52-year-old business consultant.

Spain is eager to restore investor confidence, satisfy the European Union and other international institutions by seeking major structural reforms in order to cut its deficit and ward off fears that it could follow Greece, Ireland and Portugal in seeking a bailout.

Protest: Spanair workers, who face redundancy after the firm went into administration, block a street near the labour ministry during a protest in Madrid last week

Protest: Spanair workers, who face redundancy after the firm went into administration, block a street near the labour ministry during a protest in Madrid last week

Under the new package of measures, Spanish companies facing hard times will be able to pull out of collective bargaining agreements and have greater flexibility to adjust an employee's schedules, workplace tasks and wages depending on how the economy and the company are doing.

The country's severance packages - long seen as among the most generous of many countries - will also be cut from 45 days of severance pay per year worked to 33 days.

A clause will also be introduced that will cut the amount of time companies can have their workers on temporary contracts with few benefits. Nearly a third of the work force in Spain is on temporary contracts, a huge percentage that makes the country's jobless rate so volatile.

As of January 1, 2013, workers must be moved on to permanent contracts after 24 months.Following Socialist reform of 2010 companies could run temporary contracts indefinitely.

Small companies with 50 workers or fewer who hire people receiving jobless benefits will get 50 per cent of that person's unemployment benefit while the employee will continue to receive 25 per cent of the payments along with their wage.

Angry: Spanair workers hold up a banner which reads 'We want to work, answers now' in front of the labour ministry during a protest in Madrid last week

Angry: Spanair workers hold up a banner which reads 'We want to work, answers now' in front of the labour ministry during a protest in Madrid last week

This way the person gets a job and the government saves on a quarter of the dole payments.

Meanwhile, self-employed people wishing to set up a business will receive tax breaks of 3,000 euro for the first person they hire if that person is under 30. Spain's unemployment rate for people under 25 is almost a staggering 48 per cent.

The government said it will also oblige unemployed people to carry out social work or take part in job training programs, a measure officials say will help cut back on Spain's huge underground economy.

And it will also make it easier for companies to lay off workers cheaply when times get rough.

A new rule stipulates that a company simply has to show its revenue is down for three straight quarters in order to lay people off, with severance pay of just 20 days per year worked.

In cases of layoffs in which a company does not argue economic reasons, the maximum amount a person can receive will now go down to a maximum of 24 months of salary, from 42 under the old law.

And once the new package is passed, workers who currently have severance arrangements of 45 days per year worked will see that reduced to 33 days.

The labour reforms are the final part of a three-part push to revive an economy that is expected to slip back into recession this quarter after limping out of nearly two-year slump in 2010.

The first two reforms taken by the new government were a 15billion euro package of deficit-reduction measures and a plan to force banks to set aside 50 billion euro more in provisions to cover their exposure to a real estate market that tanked three years ago.

The conservative Popular Party took power in December after scoring a landslide win in November general elections that ended nearly eight years of Socialist rule.

The government has decide to unilaterally introduce these reforms due to the slow progress in negotiations between employers and unions, which had only reached an agreement on ending the practice of indexing workers' pay to inflation.

The measures have been introduced in the form of a decree, which means it will go before Parliament for a yes-no vote, with no possibility of amendment. Approval is guaranteed because the ruling Popular Party has an ample majority.