MEMRI Daily-February 16, 2012:
Article in Qatari Daily: 'Holocaust of Homs' Worse than Jewish Holocaust;
Pakistani Clerics Investigate the Faith of QMobile's Owners;
Former Jordanian MP Vehemently Criticizes Royal Family
The following is research published today, from the MEMRI Special Dispatch Series and TV Monitor Project.
Special Dispatch No. 4504–Syria/Lantos Archives on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial Article in Qatari Daily: 'The Holocaust of Homs' Is Worse than the Jewish HolocaustOn February 13, 2012, the Qatari daily Al-Sharq published a column by Dr. Khaled Al-Hindawi titled "To Those Who Seek Ethics of War in the Holocaust of Homs and Syria!" In it, the columnist claims that "the Holocaust of the steadfast Homs surpasses what the Nazis did to the Jews" and that the Syrian regime violates the shari'a, international law, and all the ethics of war. Saying that the international community is responsible for the ongoing "atrocities" against unarmed Syrians by members of the regime, whom he calls "murderous bloodsuckers and violators of religion and international law," he also attacks Russia, China, Iran, Hizbullah, and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki over their support for the Syrian regime. To read the full report, visit
Special Dispatch No. 4503–Pakistan/Islamic Reform/South Asia Studies Project Pakistani Clerics Investigate the Faith of QMobile's Owners, Fatwa Certifies QMobile Firm as Islamic
Rumors spread in Pakistan that the letter "Q" in the company's name stands for Qadian, the northern India birthplace of the Ahmadiyya Movement, and that QMobile is out to defame Islam and to cause disrespect for Islam's Prophet Muhammad. Ahmadi Muslims, who are members of the Ahmadiyya Movement, are accused by Pakistani clerics of not believing that Prophet Muhammad was the last prophet of god. Rumors that QMobile stands for Qadiani-Mobile, thereby calling for the company's boycott, were strengthened by a software glitch on QMobile products that did not enable its users to write the word "Muhammad" in Urdu or Arabic script. To read the full report, visit
Special Dispatch No. 4502–Jordan Former Jordanian MP Ahmad Uweidi Abadi Vehemently Criticizes King Abdallah and Queen Ranya Prior to His Arrest on Charges of High TreasonFollowing are excerpts from statements made by former Jordanian MP Ahmad Uweidi Abadi and posted on the Internet in the course of 2011 and 2012. To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit January 18, 2012: Ahmad Uweidi Abadi: "A republican regime in Jordan is bound to come. I don't think it will take more than two years at the most. A republican regime embodies the will of the people through elections, whereas the monarchic regime has become a thing of the past, which does not reflect the will of the people. The king does not rise to power by the will of the people, but by his own will, and he therefore treats the people as a herd of subjects. We want to have a president of a republic who would treat the people as the ones who elected him, and who brought him to his position." To read the full report, visit |