Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The Sounds Of A Silenced Society

Guy Leven-Torres

14th February 2012

I am no great fan of the Media, especially papers like the Sun or the Times, that recently printed scurrilous lies about two fellow patriots-pals of mine- who like most of us object to the deliberate and ongoing Islamification of the UK. However it is better to have a press like the one we have, rather than one silenced by fear of offending the current self-appointed elite, many of whom have rightly been exposed for the rather unpleasant creatures they are.

The disturbing sight of seven or eight reporters being carted away and held in custody, by groups of 20-25 policemen, with dogs, armed in riot gear, kicking down doors, ripping up carpets, floorboards, insides of saloon cars and even seats, confiscating children's schoolwork, private correspondence, financial statements, parents and children's computers, underwear, even in one case I am told, the house wallpaper in the search for 'evidence' of phone hacking and hidden correspondence, is hardly what one imagines in the UK. The family members of the journalists, many of them only a few years old had to stand terrified as violent, foul mouthed (and in front of children) 'officers' carted their husbands and fathers away on unlimited custodial terms, or bail in scenes, once only seen in the Soviet Union or Third Reich. These activities are mirrored across the West in the former democracies that once made it up.

An activist friend of mine who had the pleasure of a visit like this from the 'boys in blue', simply for placing an anti- war placard onto a TA centre, saw his parent's house wrecked and personal effects confiscated, carpets ripped up and floorboards, cupboards destroyed, floors ruined, all family computers taken, and much more including private and business correspondence, taken... The house looked like a bomb site. I went to see it shortly afterwards and it shocked me that this could happen in the UK. The friend was not charged and no apology was made for this gross act of criminal vandalism, even when the local press tried to obtain one and compensation. The family effects were very badly damaged and important correspondence lost. It has cost the family of my activist friend who is only around 20 years, thousands of pounds to repair the damage. These type of tactics are commonplace and are so designed to terrorise all those who seek to speak out against the current cultural inundation of our countries by the political class. No officer involved, has to date been suspended or sacked- as is usual in such cases but the force issued a statement about 'protecting the community' and all the usual bovine excrement one hears from these animals, whom I contemptuously refer to as 'Bules'.

My grandfather, one Leonard Levin, was a CID officer in the 1930s and known as the 'Gentleman of Torquay'. God only knows what he would have made of the creatures that pass for 'Police' today. He told my father of violent scenes he had encountered, from knives to guns and everything faced by police today. In some areas he had to be accompanied by a fellow officer and if on a 'raid', a police dog. Rather than bash down the door, he would knock having placed colleagues around the back and front to prevent escape. Most opened up but if they did not, he would warn them that he had a warrant to gain entry. The people he dealt with daily were every bit as rough as modern ones but he and his colleagues would never have dreamed of using twenty armed police with three or four dogs, kicking doors down without warning, destroying homes, using foul language in front of mites but more importantly, misusing their powers to revenge a political elite exposed as the kleptocrats and criminals they are.

The elite of those days did 'try it on' but the Police usually, being the more honourable and lawfultypes of the day, they were, refused such requests. One case my grandfather dealt with, concerned a magistrate who found a former defendant had left his business on his house doorstep. Trying not to laugh, my grandfather duly arrested the culprit and made him clean it up. The Magistrate wanted heavier punishment but the law was plain and the former's demand for excessive punishment simply on the basis of his community position was refused, even when the man threatened to have my relation's job. His attitude was that the law applied to all equally and that without proof of the incident, through another seeing the 'foul' act, it was simply one man's word against another. When Leonard died in 1956, the whole town turned out including the villains, he was so much respected.

The country we live in has changed beyond anything that we recognise even from a decade or so ago. My own birthplace Lambeth/Southwark in London is now a Moslem enclave, the original population driven out and I am told is 'unsafe' for whites due to Asian gangs, who acting under imams, police the areas as a kind of unofficial religious sharia police. The same applies to another area I am familiar with; Peckham. 'Del Boy' does not live there any longer but his Asian version does, or his Somali, or other ethnic version. Peckham has one of the highest crime rates in the UK and Europe, as do Southwark and the surrounding areas, most of which supplied the rioters for the scenes we saw last August. Even as late as 1982, these areas were mainly white. These areas are now de facto 'No Go' areas under migrant control. This is also why I know that the 1.6 to 2,000,000 official figures for Moslems in the UK is absolute rot. In London as a whole, 8 of 10 births are to migrant families and over 60%-80% of London's population, within the so called Inner City is foreign.

In my youth, London had a population of 8,000,000. It appears to have dropped slightly but that still means that almost two out of three residents is of migrant descent. When the British Army tried to recruit Londoners around five years ago from these areas, 98% of the applicants were Asian or African. A Labour MP reckoned there were 1,000,000 Moslems in Leeds-Bradford alone. When academic colleagues tell me that they believe that the real Moslem population is 7,000,000 and this is supported by supermarket sales' statistics, I know whom I would rather trust. In short the Media has lied on behalf of the political class but obviously something is going on....

Culturally and financially, we are probably finished as a viable national entity unless we are prepared to do the unthinkable and I cannot imagine the current brainwashed younger generations and their Leftwing patrons supporting such measures, such as compulsory repatriation and in all honesty it makes me feel uncomfortable too, especially as I have a foreign coloured wife. Mind you she is so well assimilated she is more proud of being British than I am and does not demand we submit to sharia, or dress in tents to make a political statement. The real culprits are the self-appointed 'elite' and it is my guess that some of the hacks have had an attack of guilt, via their over put upon consciences and seeing what was happening to the land in which they lived, they could not swallow their bile of multicultural 'PC' anymore. I have seen this kind of thing before in Academia, where individuals with some remaining elements of decency, have decided enough is enough and exposed, or threatened to expose a situation they can no longer tolerate. I am one of the latter and have paid a heavy price for it. I threatened to expose a black PhD student, who belonged to a wealthy Nigerian family as a plagiariser of somebody else's work, copied wholesale. This was not mine only concern either as you all know.

I did not remain silent but followed my conscience as I do today. I cannot secure a job in Academia and cannot advance any further due to my political views. I am far from alone. They have ignored me for the most part, or tried to in the hope I will disappear. It makes me see red when I recall the good decent scholars who have had their careers ruined by these Leftwing pseudo-'scholars', who resemble more a poiltical closet cabal of plotters than those of an enlightened and inquisitive mindset.

In conclusion, most people will in the end follow their consciences, simply because their own sense of 'honour' and discomfort at being forced to act against their own nature comes into play. I believe that the majority of humanity is actually good and well intended. Some, obviously are not. These latter are the dangerous ones.

The hysterical attack on the Murdoch Press and the disgusting Gestapo terror tactics of the thug Police, are the symptoms of a political global order out of control. It is clear to this historian at least, that this behaviour and others like it, are designed to instill terror and fear into a cowed press and populace. All these thugs in uniform are trained now to a common global 'standard' using the same exagerated, hysterical tactics to maintain the status quo. The Sun will be closed down and then the rest, or what remains of the Murdoch Empire will either follow or return to being a mouthpiece for the evil regime we now see flexing its muscles above us and that lie behind the gathering catastrophe across Europe.

Love it or loathe it we must maintain a free press....
