Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Time to Attack Iran

By Mr. Kroenig is professor of government at Georgetown University and an affiliate with the Project on Managing the Atom at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. He is the author of “Exporting the Bomb: Technology Transfer and the Spread of Nuclear Weapons. This article published in the Council on Foreign Relations

In early October, U.S. officials accused Iranian operatives of planning to assassinate Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the United States on American soil. Iran denied the charges, but the episode has already managed to increase tensions between Washington and Tehran. Although the Obama administration has not publicly threatened to retaliate with military force, the allegations have underscored the real and growing risk that the two sides could go to war sometime soon — particularly over Iran’s advancing nuclear program.

For several years now, starting long before this episode,...

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Sarah Palin is the Most Powerful Female Politician in the World


If one doubted Sarah Palin wields great power by virtue of her charisma and persona, that notion was laid to rest during her speech at the CPAC convention when she had the overflow audience on their feet numerous times.

None of the presidential candidates, least of all front-runner Mitt Romney, got anywhere near that warm of reception. Newt Gingrich, who delivered a classic speech filled with ideas, came closest. But Gingrich has faltered somewhat in his presidential run. Romney still won the CPAC straw poll, likely because he filled the venue with enough of his supporters to pull off a plurality win.

Speaking of Romney, according to Politico, Palin had a warning. Palin and hence conservatives in general are not convinced of his authentic right wing credentials. The Romney campaign is doubtless taking note. It has to try harder to close the deal, to prove the Romney of Massachusetts is in...

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Sarkozy leads fight in France against Islam

Sarkozy is waging war against anti-assimilationists; no more Burka, no more street prayers, no more citizenship unless integrated, no more amnesty for illegal immigrants, no more multiculturalism, no more relativism.. Unfortunately he is not leading in the polls. Ted Belman

    We have been too busy with the identity of those who arrived and not enough with the identity of the country that accepted them.”
    - Nicolas Sarkozy


With just ten weeks to go until the first round of presidential elections in France, Islam and the question of Muslim immigration has become a central issue in the campaign.

France, home to between five and six million Muslims, has the largest Muslim population in the European Union; polls show that millions of French voters are worried about the proliferation in France of “separate Islamic societies” that are ruled by Islamic Sharia law.

Responding to these concerns, French President Nicolas...

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Antisemitism in the Media

Mudar Zahran knows that the Jews treat the Palestinians better than their Arab brethren do. He knows that by defending Jews, he is defending Palestinians and by arguing Jordan is Palestine he is defending both. He tells the same thing to the Arabs through al Jazeera. He is being well received by many in the Arab world. Ted Belman

The Tip of the Iceberg?


    Are the media actually interested in helping the Palestinians, or really just in bashing Israel? The media’s overkill fixation on bashing Israel hurts not only Jews and any chances for peace, but also Palestinians.

Helen Thomas, dubbed “the First Lady of the Press”, was a renowned veteran reporter, “a trusted source” on White House politics, and for decades, considered a public opinion-maker, when on May 27, 2010, she made anti-Semitic remarks: she wanted Jews to simply “get the hell out of Palestine” and return “Home to Poland,...

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What To Do About Syria

Barry Rubin asks What to Do About Syria:

    There is a strong case that can be made for doing nothing about the Syrian civil war, but a stronger case can be made for doing something relatively low-cost and ineffective, indeed, precisely what the Syrian opposition is requesting.

    I’m also not enthusiastic about a major U.S. effort at regime change, since the Turkish regime wants an Islamist government in Damascus that might even be worse than what exists now. The less the Obama Administration is involved the more likely things are to go better. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration doesn’t seem able to tell the difference between moderates and anti-American Islamists in Syria. Come to think about it, the Obama Administration isn’t too good at making such a distinction between such people in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, or Turkey either.

The question for Israel is whether she prefers a Turkish/Islamist Syria or an Iranian shiite Syria. Keep in mind that Saudi backed al...

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Are Levant minorities extending a hand to Israel?

Inbari argues that the conflict in Syria is essentially a Alawite (shiite) fight against a resurgent sunni majority. That’s why the Gulf states are supporting it. If they succeed in toppling Assad then the shiites, both Alawites and Hezbollah, will be on the run. Inbari suggests they may turn to Israel for protection. To my mind, this is only if they can no longer look to Iran for support. But that is a long way off. So far the Alawites and their supporters, Iran and Russia, are more determined to succeed then the suni supporters are. Ted Belman

By Pinhas Inbari, WJC ANALYSIS -

Amidst the crisis in Syria, Hezbollah’s former secretary general, Subhi Tufeili, declared that Hezbollah would eventually seek an alliance with Israel.

Hezbollah attacked Tufeili’s statement and accused the former leader of the pro-Iranian radical movement of taking bribes from hostile parties, i.e. Saudi Arabia. His reasoning, however, is quite sound; Tufeili argued that Hezbollah made a strategic...

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Obama and his budget priorities

Obama doesn’t have $6.3 million for Israel

Obama Budget Decreases Missile Funding to Israel

But he does have $800 million for the Arabs

Obama proposes $800m in Arab Spring aid

PALIN: Dershowitz right. ‘Media Matters’ uses anti-Semitic slurs has a rundown on Media Matters: Agendas, Activities, and Worldviews that shouldn’t be missed. But all you have to know is that it is funded and founded by George Soros.

By Sarah Palin

Harvard University Professor Alan Dershowitz is one of the most knowledgeable and unapologetic defenders of Israel among American academics. This has unfortunately opened him to unfair and intellectually dishonest attacks from his fellow liberals.

In answering a recent attack by Max Blumenthal, formerly of Media Matters for America (MMfA), Prof. Dershowitz said, “Let me tell you, Max Blumenthal and Media Matters will be singlehandedly responsible for (Obama) losing this election. They (the Democrats) cannot win the election and keep this affiliation with them.”

I agree with Prof. Dershowitz, though obviously I think there are many, many more reasons why President Obama should lose this election (trillions, if you consider his latest budget proposal).


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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel