Thursday, 9 August 2012

2012 London Olympics: Munich Massacre Moment of Silence, Zionists, & Media Bias

Published on Jul 28, 2012 by 

Michael Coren looks at why we need to commemorate the innocent Israeli athletes ruthlessly murdered during the 1972 Munich Olympic Games by Palestinian Terrorists. 

  • Israel kept compromising. The idea is to keep Israel "compromising" themselves out of turf. It's ridiculous. So yes, there needs to be compromise on all sides, which is why the muzzies were offered land time and time again. THEY chose not to take it. This is about getting rid of all Jews, nothing more. There will be no compromise on the part of the muzzies. Israel needs to be done giving things up. Period.

  • Agreed! islam already received their portion of land from the British mandate after the break up of the Ottoman empire. TransJordan = Palestine. Israel should be able to help the Arab occupiers move from Judea & Samaria to their home of Jordan. However, this is all part of the curse of Ishmael. islam will always fight against the Jews and play the Pallywood victim role.

  • They were not soldiers, they were athletes. Please correct this, YouCrusing1. Thanks.

  • I'm sorry, I posted that late last night (early this morning). I copied the info directly from the site I got the video from (sunnewsnetwork). It was an oversight, and I'll fix it immediately.

Top Comments

  • Fuck the BBC is a hateful corrupt gang of muslims and fucking lefty liberals.

  • The story shows the Fakestinian terrorist murdered Israelis. Yet, as a bitter muslim, you have the audacity to disrespect their memory and make your claims against Zionism? Very sick mentality. Though, it's par for the course with islam.

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  • They're just using each other for the time being. They both plan on being victorious, even over the other, and then doing the other 'in'. There's no way commies are going to put up with nutty islam. And there's no way islam is going to put up with anything other than islam. So...back to the start, they're just using each other for the time being.

  • it's beyond any common sense that the left supports the muslims, they are against everything the left supposedly stand for. Will they ever see the contradictions?

  • I am a Socialist, and a massive supporter of Zionism. I am always outraged and disapointed by my fellow leftists when they say "Isrealis are terrorists," or other bullshit

  • THANK YOU, Michael Coren!

  • Great stuff, as usual from Michael Coren

  • Michael Coren is brilliant. The world needs more people like Michael.