Thursday, 09 August 2012 08:05 'The Warmists are getting desperate. Their attempt to make much of the Muller non-story backfired horribly. Their yarn about melting Greenland turned out to be ludicrously overdone. Then, of course, there was Watts et al's paper showing that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – the US government department responsible for keeping tabs on America's temperature data – has been fiddling the data so as to exaggerate late 20th-century warming by 100 per cent. So what ingenious ruse have the Warmists alighted upon to disguise the awkward fact that they are losing every important scientific argument going? Simple: they've now decided that whenever the weather does anything extreme anywhere in the world, it's another sign of Climate Change. (We saw BBC Horizon setting the template for this nonsense a few months back in their Global Weirding documentary.)' Read more: 'A Sudden Increase in Extreme Weather Events': The New Big Lie
Friday, 10 August 2012
Posted by Britannia Radio at 09:03