Keeping You Informed of World Events From A Biblical Perspective Islam Rising - A Call To One World Domination & Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist Islam Rising - A Call To One World Domination DVD - Are you ready for a world dominated by Islamic law? That is the message being proclaimed in various conference locations around the world. Conferences have already taken place in the UK, Indonesia, The Netherlands, Australia and more recently the US. The recent conference in Illinois during the month of June was a wake up call to many that the current revolutions in the Arab world are viewed by some as an opportunity for Islamic Revival on a global scale - just look at Egyptian election results and Islamic control of the Syrian uprising. As increasing calls for Islamic revival and revolution ring out across the globe we thought it timely to take an in-depth look at the teachings of Islam and what it means for us as Christians and non-Muslims in general. This DVD is three years in the making and who better to warn us of what to expect from Islam than former practicing Muslims (and terrorists) who are now Christians. Islam Rising: A Call To One World Domination is a fast moving presentation that powerfully unravels the complexity of Islam as not only a growing political force, but an overall, engulfing legal, economic, military, dietary, social and religious system of life. Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist (Hardcover Book) - Events taking place in the Middle East are not about Democracy, they are about re-establishing the Islamic Caliphate (a revived Islamic Empire). Is it possible this revival of Islam and it's desire to destroy Israel is a direct fulfillment of Bible Prophecy? Does the Bible inform us as to where this sudden and drastic change in the Muslim world is heading? Author Joel Richardson challenges us to examine many of the traditional views most end time students have towards a European Antichrist and to dig into the scriptural evidence for an Islamic Antichrist. Many may ask why it even matters if the Antichrist will emerge from Europe or the Middle East, whether he will be a humanist or a Muslim. If, in fact, Islam is the religion of the Antichrist, the significance is earth-shattering and current events may be setting the stage for prophetic fulfillment faster than anyone might have anticipated. Richardson argues that the Bible emphatically and repeatedly points us to the Middle East as the launchpad and epicenter of the emerging empire of the Antichrist and his religion. Given that Muslim fervor and expectations of the coming of al-Mahdi are at an all-time high it is important for Christians to understand the shocking similarities and antiparallels regarding Christian & Islamic end time beliefs. Biblical descriptions regarding the coming of Jesus bear many striking resemblances to the coming Antichrist of Islam, whom Muslims refer to as the al-maseehtal-dajjaal (the counterfeit Messiah). However, the Bible’s Antichrist bears numerous striking commonalities with the primary messiah figure of Islam, who Muslims call the Mahdi. In other words, our Messiah is their antichrist and our Antichrist is their messiah. Such a scenario sets the stage for an ultimate clash between the two largest religions in the world. With Islam becoming the dominant religion of the world it is time for Christians to re-examine their understanding of Islam's role in prophecy and the potential for an Islamic Antichrist about to arise on the world stage. Click here to watch the trailer and for more information Click here to donate and and receive these items Prophecy News Headlines If Israel attacks Iran, the Israeli heartland could face retaliation from more than 10,000 missiles based in Iran, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, according to Uzi Rubin, the founder and first director of Israel’s Missile Defense Organization ... Click here for full story Canada’s largest Protestant church is also its fastest declining. In the mid 1960s the United Church of Canada had 1.1 million members and in 2010 had 490,000. Almost certainly it has lost thousands more since. It is also perhaps Canada’s and even North America’s most liberal denomination .... Click here for full story A first-of-its-kind state law that would restrict parents from trying to cure their minor children's same-sex attractions seems headed to the governor's desk .... Click here for full story A new 140-page report released by the Family Research Council and Liberty Institute reveals a pattern of hostility toward Christians and Christianity in the U.S. The report was released earlier this week and includes over 600 incidents over a 10-year period .... Click here for full story From telling us when our train is coming, helping us when we're lost and letting us watch our favourite TV shows, there seems no limit to how involved our smartphone is with our day-to-day life. Now the gadget promises something so advanced it verges on the supernatural: it will know exactly what we're doing tomorrow... Click here for full story If you ever find yourself plotting a crime in New York City, take heed: thanks to the Domain Awareness System (DAS), a new surveillance tool co-developed by Microsoft and the NYPD, you'll probably be in handcuffs before you've even made it to the getaway car ... Click here for full story Are you willing to bet against three of the wealthiest men in the entire world? Jacob Rothschild recently bet approximately 200 million dollars that the euro will go down ... Click here for full story Sponsored Ad Epicenter Prophecy Conference September 12-16, Albuquerque, New Mexico New York Times best-selling author, Joel Rosenberg, will be joined by several highly regarded theological experts to discuss in detail several essential issues relevant to the Church’s view of Israel and the epicenter region as a whole. Newsletter Archives | Contact us
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