..BEGINNING OF THE ENDPolitics ListThis is from Australia, but it's really news - important news - about Germany!S...AND YOU THOUGHT JULIA GILLARD WAS NUTSbut notice it is always the left leaning socialist politicians who destroy.. we have to remember that socialism is only a twin of communism.We are made to believe that communism is dead, but it is well and truly alive and well on planet earth... Even Gorbachev himself said manyyears ago that ‘communism had not finished as some in the west have said, all we have done is change our tactics’, hmmm. And it looks like that under a different hat. they are well and truly winning, ...GBEGINNING OF THE END ?I'm an Australian but live and pay taxes in Germany.You cannot possibly not have heard of the 'Financial crisis' gripping Europe.....most of which is blamed on Greece. I dont believe Greece is the cause, I think the major Intl Banks together with their 'Hedge-Funds' 'Bad-Banks' (with help from idiot Green and Socialist Pollies etc ) have deliberately caused it in order to introduce a centralised currency they can control.Whatever ?Lately the German Pollies have been pushing for a Fiscal-Union (Merge all European Banks & Accounts) into one Account, controlled by the European Parliament......BUT as we all know ALL Western European Nations are highly in debt (The Bankrupt eastern European country members are never mentioned)SOOOOO ! The solution is......Germany MUST (MUST because Germany has, since 1945 been an occupied country with NO Peace Treaty signed and under rule of the Victor Nations) so Germany must now pour heaps more finances into the Fund.... BIG PROBLEMSolution to that Problem now being pushed heavily here by the Lefties / Greens / Unions / SPD (Socialist Party) is to introduce a RICHES TAX (Vermögenssteuer) Every Person in Germany with a total-Vermögen (Worth) of €250.000 or more will be forced to pay a 10% Tax on his total-worth for the next TEN YEARS.So !! If your House is worth ....say €300.000 you'll be forced to pay €30.000 tax a year on it....over 10 years thats €300.000 YOUR HOUSE IS GONE !! AND if you cannot afford the €30.000 tax on it, you will be forced to take out a BANK LOAN on your house !What if your home is worth a lot more OR you own a business building, OR you inherited some money ???? Can you imagine how many business people or 'Richies' in Germany are going to pack their bags and leave.The Parliamentary Elections are coming up here next year what if these CRAZIES get in ??? AND YOU THOUGHT JULIA GILLARD IS NUTS---------People seem to think that if Labor changes the leader that all will then go better, but it has nothing to do with the leader as the lefts policies are the same world wide... They have even infiltrated into the right wing parties, sheep in wolves clothing... eg our ex Liberal leader, Mr Turnbull, had more left wing associates and business partners than 98% of left wing politicians... In fact I don’t think that he had one right wing associate or business partner at all, they were all heavy weight lefties, likeIn 1987, he established an investment banking firm,” Whitlam Turnbull & Co Ltd” in partnership with Neville Wran who was the former Labor Premier of NSW, and the former State Bank of NSW chief executive, Nicholas Whitlam, the son of Gough Whitlam (a former LABOR Prime minister.)From 1993 to 2000, Turnbull headed the Keating Labor Government's inquiry into how Australia could become a republic, and then when the left didn't want to give him a safe seat so he went to our right wing (called Liberal in Australia) and they eventually put him in the top job???????
Friday, 10 August 2012
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Britannia Radio