Christopher Booker
Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing
power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad
Vicky Haigh is freed - despite telling her story to the press
After her 'manifestly excessive' sentence, a mother and 'model prisoner' is home again, says Christopher Booker
Germany may be the country that brings the euro crashing down
Though largely unnoticed in Britain, a political storm is brewing in Germany, says Christopher Booker
18 Aug 2012
| 125 CommentsThe great wind delusion has hijacked our energy policy
The command of Britain's electricity supply has fallen into dangerous hands, says Christopher Booker
11 Aug 2012
| 325 CommentsPolice won’t return an innocent girl’s laptop
A further illustration of the police's heavy-handed collaboration with social workers. Christopher Booker reports
A teetotaller branded as 'alcoholic' loses her child
What emerges from behind the family courts' veil of secrecy can be a travesty of the truth, saysChristopher Booker
The UN appears happy with the prison camp of Liberty
While UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon parades the Olympic flag, his representative oversees a hideous tragedy in Iraq, says Christopher Booker
04 Aug 2012