Daily Crux reader,
Here is your Crux AM update:
Warren Buffett's favorite economic indicator is sending a super-bullish message on housing
This is something we haven't seen in four years...
Rand Paul's secret government briefing reveals a "terrifying" fact
"We are at the doorsteps of tyranny..."
An awesome collection of "calculators" to help you make better financial decisions
"The math behind smart financial decisions can sometimes be daunting..."
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Is OBAMA's little-known $72,000/Month Income Stream Taxpayer Funded?
According to his most recent tax filings, U.S. President Barack Obama collects an average of more than $72,780 PER MONTH in personal income... that's NOT counting his presidential salary. Where does all this money come from?
New report shows the manufacturing sector's "most critical" industry could be tanking again
This measure has not been wrong in 18 years...
We just got another big warning sign of a bubble in bonds
New "Bob Dylan bonds" are now being offered...
This little-known metric has predicted the crash in China
What it's saying now...
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Thursday, 9 August 2012
Posted by
Britannia Radio