Dear Crux Reader,
Earlier this year we published a video detailing one of the best ways for ordinary Americans to generate consistent, reliable income.
Our analysis showed how this opportunity allowed ordinary Americans to start out small – with as little as a few hundred dollars – and safely accumulate thousands of dollars in savings.
Our analysis also showed how this program – which has no age, income, or employment requirements – can grow your money up to 4-5 times faster than 401(k)s, IRAs, pension plans, and the like… and even revealed how, for an increasing number of retirees, could actually help replace these traditional retirement plans altogether.
We even profiled dozens of ordinary people taking part in this program.
But our video was not without controversy.
You see, one very powerful organization did not approve of it.
In fact, they disliked it so much they sent us a letter – via overnight FedEx – threatening to sue if we continued to show the video.
What did we say to upset them so much? And what opportunity were we describing, exactly?
Click here to see.
Brian Hunt
Editor in Chief, S&A
Friday, 10 August 2012
Posted by
Britannia Radio