Thursday 30 August 2012

The Daily Reckoning
Dear Daily Reckoning Reader,

Most Americans don’t believe it’s possible. Or they think it will trigger a 15% to 20% selloff in the stock market, at most.

But the unnerving pattern you’re about to see is far more dangerous. 

That’s why our thanks go out to Money Map Press for issuing this warning. Americans deserve to know what’s happening.

As you’ll see, this could soon bring about a radical shift to the wealth and financial security of hundreds of millions of unsuspecting people.

Its development in our economy has led experts featured in the major financial news outlets to ask, “how close are we to a new Great Depression?”

They’re worried its impact “could be so severe that [they] don’t think our civilization could survive it.”

And when it reaches its inevitable conclusion, “the global economic system and all market-oriented economies would collapse.”

So here’s what’s going on.

At this point, there’s nothing Obama can do about this. And there’s nothing a President Romney would be able to do. It’s simply too late.

You, on the other hand, can do plenty. There’s still time to protect yourself, and even prosper.

Indeed, for those who take a few simple steps today, this is also a story of hope.


Joe Schriefer
Publisher, The Daily Reckoning