Thursday 30 August 2012

Home / Bureaucracy / The UN’s Agenda 21 Is Officially Losing Traction

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Agenda 21 is a global land-use planning proposal of the United Nations Organization. It came into existence in 1992 as part of the global warming agenda. George H. W. Bush signed it, but it has never been introduced to the Senate by any President for ratification.
Bush, Sr., was a great proponent of the New World Order, a phrase that appeared in numerous speeches. Agrenda 21 is part of the NWO grab-bag of world bureaucratic planning initiatives.
It was a flop as part of the UN. Note: everything the UN does is a flop. It has no power that the US government does not give it. It cannot tax people directly. It relies on handouts from national governments. Its agents possess no sovereignty outside of the grounds of the United Nations operation in New York City, other than diplomatic immunity. They do not pay parking tickets.
The Republican National Committee earlier this year took a stand against it. The Tea Party is hostile. By attacking Agenda 21, which is a symbol of UN intentions, the RNC may buy some support. It costs the RNC nothing. Most Americans ignore the UN, and know nothing about Agenda 21.
I am happy to announce that an unknown journalist with the magazine Foreign Policy is outraged by the RNC’s decision. He respects the UN. He respects UN treaties. But UN treaties are rarely ratified. The organization is widely ignored. This upsets him.
His tirade indicates the futility of being an internationalist these days. The Tea Party is a “fringe,” he says, but on the question of UN treaties, the Tea Party has clout.Foreign Policy does not.
The author is beside himself with fury. This is the fate of liberals generally these days. They are in Rodney Dangerfirkd mode. They get no respect. Neither does the UN.
The “Sovereign American Leadership in International Organizations” section of the draft GOP platform released by Politico today, not only explicitly rejects these treaties, but veers pretty close to black helicopter territory:
Fact: we black helicopter types have blocked Agenda 21. He and his internationalist cronies in two decades could not get Agenda 21 sent to the Senate for ratification.
The Times reported in February that Tea Party activists were increasingly referring to Agenda 21 in local debates on issues ranging from bike lanes to smart meters on home appliances:
In short, the Tea Party has pushed Agenda 21 onto the political radar. This is bad for internationalists.
The once fringe movement has been going mainstream this year. The RNC adopted a resolution condemning Agenda 21 in January and Newt Gingrich made frequent reference to it in his presidential campaign, calling it “part of a general problem of the United Nations and other international bureaucracies that are seeking to create an extra-constitutional control over us.” He promised to block the initiative as one of his first executive orders if elected. Given how vague that actual text of Agenda 21 is when you read it, it’s hard to imagine that anyone would notice if he did.
I love those words, “once fringe movement.” It means “fringe movement no more.” It means the Tea Party has killed Agenda 21 as a treaty. For 20 years, Agenda 21 was a non-starter in the Senate. It was invisible, but it had no voter support. Now it has active opposition.
The main problem with Agenda 21 is this: the federal bureaucracies connected with land-use planning do use Agenda 21 as a guide. They pursue its goals under the radar. This is why counties, operating through their sheriffs, should oppose all federal land grabs. They should force federal agencies to prove every land grab in federal court. Counties should assume that the federal agencies are overstepping their constitutional limits.