Israel, the richest oil country in the world
My group of analysts and activists are watching what’s going on with the Kurds. We are working to support a federated Syria or an autonomous Kurdish area. We are also following the moves by Russia.
We are arranging for a conference to take place in Washington to make the Kurdish case to the power brokers there.
This article was written June 25/12. Since then Russia is reputed to have made a deal with Israel in which they get a big interest in the Leviathon fields. Thus Israel would have Russia on her side to thwart the Turks. Russia has also funded both Greece and Cypress. Also Russia won’t be opposed to this gas going to Europe because they are part of it.
Where does that leave the growing relationship between Turkey and with some of the Kurds?
Tensions Boil As Israeli Oil Riches Grow
By Ed De Sheilds, Omega Letter
Israel’s once hidden oil riches are now certain to be so large its treasures could make it the richest oil country in the world. And, its neighbors are not only noticing, they’re boiling mad.
But, in the last three years Israel has discovered one mega-discovery after another. First, it discovered 1.5 billion barrels of oil onshore at Rosh Ha’Ayin, located about 10 miles inland from the Tel Aviv coastline. It was a small but important find that sparked a flurry of exploration activity.
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Into the Fray: Fatuous, feckless Friedman
‘Robbed Cossack’: Hebrew idiom for a villain who complains about the wrongs (imaginary or not) done to him that he has done to others.
- Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided
– Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) at the annual AIPAC conference, June 4, 2008
Congress maintains its commitment to relocating the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and urges the President, pursuant to the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995… to immediately begin the process of relocating the United States Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem…. None of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act may be available for the publication of any official government document which lists countries and their capital cities unless the publication identifies Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
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Why Muslims Must Hate Jews
Recently a Pakistani religious leader, Pirzada Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai, said: ‘When The Jews Are Wiped Out… The Sun Of Peace Would Begin To Rise On The Entire World’. The same preaching is routinely done not only by clerics but politicians, in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. This is not just Ahmedinijad, it is at the heart of Islamic theology that world peace will be established only when all the Jews are wiped from the earth. But few people in Western media are alarmed by this kind of rhetoric or care to expose this dreadful dark side of Islam’s obsession with Jew hatred.
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Michael Coren on Religion
Michael Coren has come a long way since he almost barred my from participating on his show. In my first appearance, I was too outspoken on Islam and Michael wasn’t up to speed.. He is now.
Robert Spencer now appearing weekly on the Michael Coren Show
‘Russia sends navy vessels, marines to Syria base’
MOSCOW – Moscow is sending three large landing ships with marines aboard to a Russian naval facility in the Syrian port of Tartus, Russian news agencies quoted a source in the general staff as saying on Friday.
The source said each ship would have up to 120 marines on board and that the vessels, already in the Mediterranean, would arrive in Tartus by the end of this week or early next week.
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Romney’s excellent trip
At the outset of his recent foreign trip, Mitt Romney committed a gaffe. In answer to a question about the Olympics, he expressed skepticism about London’s preparations. The response confounded and exasperated Romney supporters because it was such an unforced error. The question invited a simple paean to Olympic spirit and British grit, not the critical analysis of a former Olympic organizer.
Soon that initial stumble was transmuted into a metaphor for everything that followed. Themainstream media decided with near-unanimity that the rest of the trip amounted to a gaffe-prone disaster.
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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel