In the 19th August 2012 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include: · This week marked the 5th anniversary of our immigration to this amazing country. · My latest JPost descriptive summary “How does Israel do it?” BEIRUT — Opponents of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad are showing signs of splintering along a deep regional fault line, with Arabs and Turks uneasy about a military offensive last month by Syrian Kurds, who overran four towns in the country’s north. The attacks marked the first time since the 17-month-old uprising began that Kurdish fighters had joined in military action against Assad’s forces. But the Kurdish muscle-flexing has rattled groups such as the Arab-led Free Syrian Army, which until now has played the leading role in the upheaval, and it has unsettled neighboring Turkey, whose animosity toward Assad is surpassed only by apprehension about the Kurds’ broader ambitions in the region. Laura: The following is why I have such utter contempt for the socialist, jihad collaborators and Jew-hating Europeans. PR firms have no problem representing mass murderers in Syria and the genocidal regime in Tehran. But they refuse to represent Israel. This sick and disgusting moral inversion is beyond the pale. One PR rep said that Israel is “occupying” land that supposedly belongs to the invented “palestinians”. The euros never stopped being antisemitic swine. Antisemitism simply lay dormant in the second half of the twentieth century due to the holocaust. Now it is once again out in the open under the guise of palestinianism, the invented people created for the purpose of being used as proxies in the islamic/leftist war to destroy the Jewish state. Notice how crickets are chirping within western leftist ranks when it comes to the horrible, discriminatory treatment of “palestinians” residing in Arab countries. The reason is because they do not actually give a fig about these people they claim their hearts bleed for. The “palestinian” movement is nothing more than a fig leaf for Jew-hatred and the denial of the Jewish people’s rights to their homeland. The fact that Europe is being lost to islamization is poetic justice for these morally degenerate bastards. Times of Israel: Worldwide, the public relations industry is a small, tight-knit industry. The business generally makes sense to me as the founder of 5WPR, a top-25 US PR agency, but sometimes I shake my head in amazement. (Read more…) Richard Millet blogs with pictures, Hezbollah marches through London again on Al Quds Day. It’s all about power: Al-Quds Day a celebration of hatred and terrorism MICHAEL COREN, QMI AGENCY Beyond the hatred, the racism and the anger, there’s a certain irony surrounding Al-Quds Day, commemorated this weekend internationally and to its shame — in Toronto. The event was founded by the Ayatollah Khomeini, and is an overwhelmingly Shiite Islam event. Anybody who knows Islam will understand that the Shiites are despised in most of the majority Sunni world. They were treated as second-class citizens in Lebanon, they are murdered in Pakistan, they are thought as being, golly, even worse than the Jews in Syria, and there aren’t any in Egypt because Saladin killed them all. By Ted Belman I am sorry to say that the BDS campaign is meeting with success and is growing in strength. It is aided and abetted by the government attacks on Israel policies emanating from the EU and the US. It is also fuelled by the UN constantly passing resolutions signalling out Israel for condemnation. It is aided and abetted by NGO’s funded by the EU countries and the NIF. Furthermore certain churches funded by their governments in Canada and the EU have instituted boycotts. Giulio Meotti, INN, in hid article, Rous mit uns, summarizes these successes. One should conclude that managing the status quo is a loser’s game. By Steven Plaut The entire Israeli Left has by now morphed into a “Solidarity with Iran” movement. It seems to be united over little else besides its desire to see Iran get nuclear weapons. Almost every single Op-Ed in Haaretz and half of its news stories these days are devoted to lobbying AGAINST any possible Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. A petition by 300 of Israel’s “intellectuals” just called upon Israeli pilots to refuse to participate in any Israeli strike against Iran. Among those signers was the ex-Dean of the Law School at Tel Aviv University, a chronic contender for a Supreme Court judgeship, Prof. Menachem Mautner. No doubt this will earn him a seat on the Court as the next Likud appointee, Perhaps he thinks his law school building will be invulnerable to nuclear weapons. The new Dean of Law at the Hebrew University, Prof. Yuval Shany, who is active in Far Leftist groups like Betselem, has just expressed the opinion that it would be “illegal” for Israel to strike Iranian nuclear facilities. I would like to see him call the police if Israel does! By Ted Belman This is the big issue of the day. The Iranian discusses the arguments for and against and highlights the following: Do you agree? With no replacement for the Tal Law, the IDF creates a plan for enlisting all hareidi men. The Tal Law recently expired with no replacement, leaving the IDF struggling with how to handle the thousands of full-time Torah students who suddenly became obligated to enlist. Now a three-pronged plan has been revealed that would see the hareidi community – the primary beneficiary of the Tal Law dispensation for Torah scholars – able to enlist while maintaining high standards of Torah observance. This is a long but interesting article. One of the reasons given by Begin for accepting the Camp David Agreement was that the largest Arab enemy was breaking the mould of rejecting Israel. Others, it was thought, would follow. In hindsight it would have been better to hold out for a comprehensive deal in exchange for the Sinai. UPDATE: The author is wrong to say “Begin, however, was determined to implement a Likud strategy “to change the facts on the ground” by moving Jewish settlers into the Occupied Territories”. Labor started building settlements for defensive purposes before Begin came into off and after he left office Labor continued to build settlements and not just for defence. If anything, the settlement enterprise is Labour’s baby. UPDATE: A reader says and I agree; Ted Belman An Israeli October Surprise for Obama? August 18, 2012 Special Report: A pressing foreign policy question of the U.S. presidential race is whether Israel might exploit this politically delicate time to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites and force President Obama to join the attack or face defeat at the polls, a predicament with similarities to one President Carter faced in 1980, writes Robert Parry. By Robert Parry. Consortium News There is doubt in some quarters that Israel’s Likud government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would time an attack on Iran in the weeks before a U.S. election with the goal of dooming the incumbent Democratic president, Barack Obama, or forcing his hand to commit American military might in support of Israel. But there was a precedent 32 years ago when another Likud government had grown alienated from the Democratic president and found itself in a position where it could help drive him from office by covertly assisting his Republican rivals in another crisis involving Iran.Israel’s Weekly Good News to 19th August 2012
· Israeli scientists have made another major discovery on the road to eradicating cancer.
· Israeli humanitarian aid receives more recognition at the United Nations.
· Help for autistic children who need a cuddle but can’t bare anyone to touch them.
· Israeli software can build a picture of a criminal from unmatched DNA found at the crime scene.
· Curiosity – the Mars rover – had an Israeli check-up prior to take-off.
· For my birthday treat, I can’t decide between Cirque du Soleil and the Dancing Camel brewery.
(Read more…)In Syria, role of Kurds divides opposition
(Read more…)Europe’s War Against the Jewish State
PR firms help spin Iran and Syria, but say no to IsraelRelentless propaganda of hate
(Read more…)Belman: “managing the status quo is a loser’s game”
The Left and their anti-bomb campaign
(Read more…)Will Israel attack Iran?
Lastly, but most importantly, the Israeli leadership faces serious problems, domestically.According to the Yediot Ahronoth’s report [8], “not a single state official or military official or even the president – supports an Israeli attack in Iran.” The realities inside Israel inform us of an unprecedented debate [9] about war against Iran. “This unprecedented debate more than anything else reflects profound distrust of the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu by the Israeli military and defense establishment,” according to Yaron Ezrahi [10], a political scientist and former analyst in the Israeli military. There is a political crisis within Israel. When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu formed a coalition government with the centrist Kadima Party, many experts saw it as a sign of unity within Israel’s political system and reasoned that Kadima was joining Likud out of support for an attack on Iran. They were wrong. Due to sharp differences on issues unrelated to Iran, the coalition did not last more than two months. It fell apart in July. More than anything else, the root of Israel’s indecision regarding war with Iran rests within its own political system. As long as the issue of unity in that country is not addressed, Israel will not be in a position to attack Iran.
IDF’s 3-Pronged Plan to Enlist Hareidim
(Read more…)Will the US elections factor in the timing for attacking Iran?
A careful reading of Robert Parry’s “An Israeli October Surprise for Obama?” suggests that this is an anti-Likud, anti-Republican propaganda piece, full of anti-Israel, anti-Republican, and anti-neoconservative distortions and falsifications.
(Read more…)
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Monday 20 August 2012
Posted by Britannia Radio at 19:01