Sunday 26 August 2012

Kurultaj 2012

This year's Magyar and Hun-Turk meeting was held between August 10-12 in Bugac, Hungary. 

Over 250,000 visitors from 21 countries attended the festivities. 

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban is an enthusiastic supporter of this event. 

The celebrations started in 2006 after Hungarian anthropologist Biro Andras Zsolt proved that there was a genetic link between the Madjar who live in present day Kazakhstan and the Hungarians living in the Carpathian region. 

There was a display of traditional war games, horse riding, archery, as well as battle armour and national costumes that make up much of the heritage that unites the Magyar and Hun-Turk nations of the world. The foundation spokesman Szakacs said, "In this tribal assembly we remembered our ancestors. The Kurultaj embodies thousands of years of traditional Hungarian legend, mythology and real Hungarian history based on our own national awareness. Peoples having Magyar, Hun and Turkish roots have an opportunity to get together in this event. The Turanian Kurultaj is the greatest celebration for the Hungarians." After explaining at length that the Magyars and ancient Turks were definitely related to each other, Szakacs added, "We have a patriotic government that sets great store with Hungarian traditions and our nation's roots in the east. The eastern incentive of the government is an economic step. We are aware that our Turkish brethren hold Attila the Khan of the Huns in very high esteem. Therefore the Magyar Turanian Foundation sees Turkey as a strategic partner." The next Kurultaj is in 2014. 

Video coverage of Kurultaj 2012: