My Black Dad and Chick-Fil-A
A majority of the Democratic Party leadership are far-left liberals who hate America and believe that man can fix every problem. God is an imaginary being clung to by ignorant, bitter, and racist middle Americans. These Democrats believe they are intellectually superior – and thus far better-qualified to manage our lives. This is why the Democratic Party seeks ever-expanding governmental controls over our behavior......
by Lloyd Marcus
Romney Urged to Address Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration
It is a subject that Mitt Romney and Barack Obama don’t want to talk about. But former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy on Wednesday offered a virtual indictment of top State Department official Huma Abedin as a security risk and said that Obama’s embrace of the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood constitutes a national security crisis and should be a major campaign issue. McCarthy, who prosecuted the.......
by Cliff Kincaid
Obama - Illusionist n' Chief
Obama believes we are all stupid surfs to be positioned where he wants us. We are to be trained to obey or be destroyed. There is no middle ground anymore. The plot is thickening and the poison spikes are poking through the fabric. Soon, resisters will be destroyed or taken to re education camps for in your face instruction and discipline. This week, private investigator and head of.....
by Laurie Roth