Sunday, 5 August 2012

New post on The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG

Sean Gabb Fails to See the Big Picture

by Dr Sean Gabb

Sean Gabb fails to see the Big Picture

14 February 2011

It is the contention of the writers of this website that we are living through a revolution instigated by the rise to power in the US and UK (and many other 'advanced' countries) of the Media Class. We maintain that technological developments in the late 1960's and early 1970's created a new Class out of several already-existing and overlapping groups. 

The catalyst for the creation of the new Class was a TV in every home and the demand for continual programming (entertainment). From this sprang the marriage of television and Hollywood (and through Hollywood came its relatives - the Theater World, the Arts and Celebrity) and the contamination of News with entertainment. 

Not far behind, but inevitably, came the coalescence with Newsprint, Popular music, other Popular Entertainment, Pro-Sport, Advertizing and Fashion. Thus a Class was created and blessed with enormous power, for it possessed the means to control and make the News on which a Democratic people depend in order to make political and moral choices, and the power to use Entertainment as a subtle propaganda tool. It also acquired the power to create in the people an addiction to its own corrupting and corrupted products.

This new Class soon discovered that it could make and break politicians through the manipulation of News, and in due course make and break virtually all those who were, or might, become public figures. This is a tremendous power and all the more so since it goes largely un-noticed (even by its victims) as neutral news. 

This power to 'make and break' also conferred the power to purge its own ranks. But a new Class that wishes to become a Ruling Class in a Democracy has to make alliances, for it is rarely numerically strong enough to win elections and it has too few ground-troops on the streets. It needs to 'own' one or more of the existing mass political Parties in order to pass legislation. Finally it is compelled by dynamic internal forces to create a society that reflects its own interests and values and it is this compulsion that drives it to impose a revolutionary agenda. 

We maintain that in all instances a Media Class seeking to rule is driven into alliances with Leftist organizations for it is Leftists that also want to radically change society and grow Government; that reject Christianity and the traditional (conservative) family and seek to abandon National borders. 

Thus in the USA the Media Class set about acquiring the Democrat Party and in the UK it set about acquiring the Labour Party. Union power and Union officials have increasingly been treated sympathetically in the Media. Once the leaderships of the Parties and Unions realized their dependency on the Media Class they eagerly shifted their focus away from the traditional working Classes in order to promote the Media Class agenda of social/moral change. 

Not surprisingly the ever-growing army of unionized Public Service workers have been purged of traditionalists and mobilized behind the 'progressive' social/moral issues that are a priority for Media Class people.

The Media Class has an economic interest of course and who could deny that its component parts have greatly prospered as befits an emerging Ruling Class. The new American rich today can largely be found in the industries of TV, Hollywood, POP Entertainment, Advertizing, Fashion and Pro-sports. With the exception of Hi-tech and Wall Street, it is in those places that people become rich overnight in a society where taxation prevents all others from accumulating wealth. 

However, the peculiar feature of our new Ruling Class is its preoccupation with social/moral issues, for its wealthiest components - Entertainers, Film makers and Actors - are overwhelmingly composed of neurotics and dysfunctional people. Whilst the News Media has stamped a certain kind of Leftism on the identity of the Media Class, Hollywood, the Arts World, Fashion, Advertizing and Entertainment have permeated it with those who cannot control their appetites for sex, perversion, drugs and alcohol. Most dangerously of all for us is that we have a Ruling Class composed mainly of people who cannot discern the real world from the world of fantasy, who are self-obsessed, who believe that realities can be dismissed, that history can be endlessly rewritten and that the Movie lot and the stage are where history is made.

The new Ruling Media Class, like most ruling classes throughout modern history, has preferred so far not to rule openly, but through its puppets and allies. This may be changing as 'Stars of the stage and screen' increasingly become impatient with the pace of transition from Christian-based laws and mores, and also become bolder with power. 

Until now, however, this ability to mask its agenda through the control of News has enabled our revolutionary masters to maintain the fiction that politics is much the same as always. This is highly advantageous when carrying out a social revolution that requires the destruction of the old morality and its defenders and which is not yet widely popular. 

What some discerning conservative commentators call our 'Culture War' is really the undercover and partially masked but relentless attack on the Christian-based culture of the Western World by a new Ruling Class that seeks to recreate society in its own image. This is the revolutionary context in which all modern political and social conflict must be placed.

This brings me to a very impressive article recently posted on and written by Sean Gabb. It is titled "John Stuart Mill, The BNP, And the UK's Dying Democracy". Extremely well written, it gives a concise and accurate account of the official and arbitrary but legal persecution of the small and underfunded British National Party. 

Along the way, the author quotes to good effect from the writing of John Stuart Mill and pinpoints the official assault on free speech and free association in the UK to the Labour Government's Equality Act of 2006. This Act of Parliament set up the EHRC (Equality and Human Rights Commission), a Government (tax-payer) funded semi-independent body (Quango) charged with monitoring society-at-large for progress towards a multi-racial, multi-cultural and new-morality society.

 The basis of the Commission's work is to seek out, intimidate and suppress all opposition to the social/moral revolution that is being imposed by stealth. (This description of the EHRC is mine and not Gabb's.) It is Gabb's opinion that the BNP cannot succeed due to "a wall of Media bias and legal and administrative persecution". "Mud sticks" as Gabb says and the Media - across the whole political spectrum - never stops throwing mud at the BNP and its members. 

Gabb calls them "Media smears". He points out that the BNP and its leaders have been mired in legal prosecutions inspired by the Ruling Class and when these have failed, despite biased Courts "It was as if some spell of silence had been cast on the gentlemen of the press".

Gabb correctly notes how the Labour Party "abandoned its traditional working class base for the minority vote" but fails to mention that the US Democrat Party did the same thing at more or less the same time. I have no doubt that Gabb when referring to 'minority' means racial minorities but surely both the UK's Labour Party and the US Democrat Party have been and are as much preoccupied with a small sexual minority as with race. 

In dealing with the brazen bias of the Media, Gabb quotes Andrew Marr formerly political editor of BBC News who boldly proclaimed the BBC's intention to use the BBC in pursuit of an agenda that was in conflict with native British taxpayers. It is worth noting here our view that the post of Political Editor of BBC News is tantamount to being the de facto leader of the British Media Class political wing. It is also worth noting that leading BBC employees have boasted that the organization is infested (our word) with homosexuals.

Gabb although referring (like Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Nick Griffin et al) to the "Ruling Class" and "Ruling elite" fails to adequately define this Class and how it came by power. He writes that the UK's rulers have been "taken from within by a clique of neo-Marxists" that the Class is "homogenous" and that it is a "management Ruling Class'. 

He notes in referring to the Ruling Class that "without visible co-ordination, groups of people often act as if directed". In a vague explanation for the disappearance of the old Ruling Class, Gabb blames the high death rate of the officer class in World Wars. This, he argues, robbed the Nation of many patriots. But this has been true throughout Britain's history and does not explain the eminence now of a Ruling Class that is uniquely eager to betray the Nation, its singular history and its native people. 

Something much more fundamental is at work and that is the rise to power of a new Class and one which is obsessed with rejecting everything that the Nation once held dear - free speech, free association, the sanctity of marriage, a justice that is blindfold, racial homogeneity and the integrity of its borders. The explanation has also to cover the same revolutionary impulses at work simultaneously in the USA, Canada and most of Western Europe. 

Mr. Gabb is a Libertarian and like all Libertarians is eager to embrace non-judgmental policies and to detach politics and economics from morality. He is for same-sex marriage and I assume considers abortion to be a personal matter. 

He is an ideological soul mate of America's Ron Paul. On this website we utterly reject Libertarianism. To be fair to Mr. Gabb however we have to applaud his willingness to defend the BNP's right to exist and free speech. Not many intellectuals in the UK or the US are prepared to mention the BNP except negatively.

Mr. Radical has brought to my attention BBC reports of historically low temperatures in South Korea. The BBC's reporters, staunch warriors for the concept of Global Warming, are calling this 'freak cold weather'. When it is unusually hot the BBC proclaims 'Global Warming' and when it is unusually cold it is freakish or yet another 'cold snap'.

My musical choice tonight is "Sunday in New York" sung by Waldon Cassotto (aka Bobby Darin). Darin, born into a poor Bronx family in 1936 was plagued by heart problems and allegedly was always aware that he would have a short life (he died in 1973). 

He was said to be a good musician but concentrated on a singing career. Wanting success at any price, Darin took up every musical fashion and thus recorded some pretty awful stuff. His best recordings however found him in good voice and with good timing and great drive. 

This latter quality enabled him to take full advantage of the backing of a good big band. His recordings of 'Mack the Knife' and 'Beyond the Sea' amongst many others find him swinging hard and taking full advantage of key changes but the less well known recording of 'Sunday in New York' backed by a big band stuffed with excellent jazz musicians brings together the right man for the job, an excellent tune (composed by jazz pianist Peter Nero with excellent lyrics by Carroll Coates) a great arrangement and an outstanding big band. 

I can think of no other recording that better captures the special atmosphere of a big city on a Sunday afternoon. Listen and enjoy for there is nothing like this being recorded today for this is strictly music for adults.

Dr Sean Gabb | 5 August, 2012 at 10:48 am | Categories: Liberty | URL: