Thursday 23 August 2012

The Week
main headlinePrince Harry photos: Fleet St's finest search for naked truth

British newspapers refrain from publishing photos of naked prince - but still find plenty to say

Julian Assange extradition: six myths debunked

What is rape - and what will happen if Assange is deported? We lead you through the legal maze

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main headlineTen Things You Need to Know Today: Thursday 23 Aug 2012

GCSEs: 250 schools could face closure, Naked Harry: Palace confirms warning, Australia 'ignores' Julian Assange...

'Profiteering' Santander raises mortgage rate for 300,000

Borrowers face further rate rises as Santander blames the increased cost of banking

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main headlineSchools face closure as strict GCSE targets are introduced

Exam results out today, but efforts to curb grade inflation could affect pass rates

Chancellor George Osborne is not up the job - let him go

Opinion Digest: the Chancellor's weakness, the Nicklinson case and Harry's big error in Vegas

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main headlineKasabian deliver rabble-rousing warm-up for weekend festivals

They may have missed out on the Olympic celebrations, but Kasabian are 'a great live band'

Tony Nicklinson died after refusing food, says lawyer

Locked-in syndrome man had campaigned for right to have assistance in committing suicide

main headline
main headlinePorn film industry shuts down after Los Angeles syphilis scare

All 1,000 performers in adult film industry will have to be tested before filming can resume