Despite dozens of us emailing the Met police and emailing ALL the national papers and the BBC we have had no response. This goes to illustrate perfectly what we are saying, that "anti-racism" laws in this country actually mean "laws to silence white people". When Emma West had a mild racist outburst on a tram the Media and the Commies were howling for her blood. The police scrambled to find and arrest her. She was remanded in custody for F@@ks sake! You could not make this up. Yet when a black woman does the same, and her outburst is more violent and directly hateful towards white people, the Media are silent and the police are (so far) ignoring our complaints. Black people being racist doesnt fit in with the image we are all being fed of a multiracial land where everyone gets on, and the only people spoiling that are those nasty racist whites. Youtube keep pulling the video down as "hate crime" yet the Emma West video is still there. Watch it here We will keep chasing the police and keep you posted here. Z Lee Jasper who is paid by our Government to advise on "race issues" says black people cant be racist. Arseholes like this are "advising" our corrupt, politically correct MPs. You could not make this shit up.Racist black woman on London bus UPDATE #edl #emmawest
by casualsunited
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Racist black woman on London bus UPDATE #edl #emmawest
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