Folks, we have had major problems, nearly resolved. Please bear with us. Very traumatic at the moment.
Olympics…A Fantastic Advert For Multi-Culturalism
Almost choked on my cornflakes this morning from laughing…no not at Evan Davis saying he was going to watch the Greco-Roman wrestling at the Olympics…that is probably a usual night’s entertainment in the Davis household. What was laugh out loud funny was the Davis claim that the upsurge of Britishness displayed during the Olympics must be a bad thing for the Right Wing. The sense of ‘belonging, community and shared … Continue reading
Open Thread
New open thread, if there’s anybody still out there…..
Mardell On Message
At last, someone at the BBC has mentioned the President’s “You didn’t build that” gaffe, which has haunted His campaign for a couple of weeks at least. The revealing Collectivist statement has inspired a series of mocking responses from small businesses and ads from the Romney campaign. It was in all the major US media outlets – they had to come to His defense, after all – yet the BBC … Continue reading
Shame probably the world’s biggest news organisation is no longer interested in news or investigative journalism…even of the most simple and obvious kind…such as asking one of the corporate sponsors of the Olympics exactly where their money goes, who gets the sponsor’s seat allocation and are their drinks really just liquid sugar poisoning our Youth? Never mind…..we have the Telegraph to enlighten us and provide balance to the BBC’s anti-business polemic: … Continue reading