Wednesday, 29 August 2012
The BBC has made it their mission in life to seek out corporate corruption, greed and vested interests lining their pockets at tax payer’s expense….Coca Cola, McDonalds, G4S all being recent targets of the BBC’s anti-capitalist outrage, never mind bankers and oil companies. Richard Black was very eager to ‘expose’ the Heartland Institute’s finances when he thought they were dodgy, or he could represent them as such. Black went to …Continue reading
Remember that 11 year old boy who managed to evade security and check-in at Manchester and board an aircraft…remember how ‘shocked’ the BBC et al were? Funny how completely unshocked they are when illegal immigrants from very dodgy parts of the world slip in here and make themselves at home.
It seems from David’s post that Mardell is having a bad day…or I suppose a normal one for him. Talking about the Republican Convention Mardell of course uses it as an excuse to talk about Thatcher…sorry force of habit…Thatcher always gets the blame…no, Bush of course, and Hurricane Katrina. Apparently it was the Republican’s ‘callous incompetence’ that Mardell wanted to highlight. Funny…I thought it was Mayor Nagin’s total incompetence that … Continue reading
I apologize in advance for any unpleasant images that title may have evoked. As most people here will know, I’m wont to complain about how Mardell is little more than a British mouthpiece for the White House Press Office. I’ve written at length about how this or that report or blogpost from him is supporting the President’s cause, spouting White House talking points, etc. This time, though, it’s Mardell himself … Continue reading
Those bad Jews. An Israeli court has ruled that the state of Israel was not at fault for the death of US activist Rachel Corrie, who was killed in the Gaza Strip by an Israeli army bulldozer in 2003. Ms Corrie’s family had brought a civil claim for negligence against the Israeli ministry of defence. The judge said the 23-year-old’s death was a “regrettable accident” and that the state was … Continue reading
Labour’s Alistair Darling has surfaced again, possibly the Party leader they should have had(there’s still time)…I wonder if there is any coincidence in this. ‘The relationship between Labour’s two most senior figures has recently become strained amid disagreements over the party’s approach to the City and cuts in public spending. ‘ Oh…and…‘The party will meet for its annual conference next month and senior insiders warn that they are still … Continue reading
Wonder if you caught this debate on the BBC this morning? It concerns the proposed third runway for Heathrow and the debate was between Tim Yeo (Dripping wet alleged Conservative) and Tom Brake (Dripped wet Liberal Democrat). Remarkably Yeo is NOW in favour of this proposal- but only because of spurious new EU carbon guidelines. But Brake was given the lion’s share of the time to reel out his opposition … Continue reading
Anyone else notice the rally of the BBC behind Sir Richard Branson’s (Labour backed) attempt to derail (sic) the decision of the Coalition to award the contract for West Coast mainline. Did you catch this pure PR that Branson got away with on Today this morning? Strikes me that the BBC are happy to use Branson in this way to advance a Labour meme whilst posing as defenders of the … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio