Taliban Britain, One God, One Faith, One Culture New Labourite Dan Hodges tells us that ‘The Left has struck Olympic gold. Or the Left has convinced itself that it’s struck Olympic gold, which in Labour circles amounts to pretty much the same thing. “Have you been watching?” an excited shadow cabinet member asked me moments after Britain’s cyclists grabbed another medal. No, I’ve been hitching a ride on the Mars … tinue reading Celebrating diversity and multi culturalism. From the New York Times: ‘Like a fever, fear has spread across India this week, from big cities like Bangalore to smaller places like Mysore, a contagion fueling a message: Run. Head home. Flee. And that is what thousands of migrants from the country’s distant northeastern states are doing, jamming into train stations in an exodus challenging the Indian ideals of tolerance and diversity. What … Continue reading ‘Guest Who’ points out this article in the Mail in which the Tories complain about Flanders being the Voice of Labour: ‘BBC host accused of ‘peeing all over British industry’: IDS fury at ‘carping and moaning’ broadcaster as report casts doubt on jobs boost Iain Duncan Smith has made a formal complaint to the BBC over its coverage of employment figures The Work and Pensions Secretary accused Economics Editor … ontinue reading ‘The physicist Leo Szilard once announced to his friend Hans Bethe that he was thinking of keeping a diary: ‘l don’t intend to publish. I am merely going to record the facts for the information of God.”Don’t you think God knows the facts?’ Bethe asked. ’Yes,’ said Szilard. ‘He knows the facts, but He does not know this version of the facts.‘ The BBC continues its cover up of … ontinue reading The BBC are pretty keen to dissect anything to do with Christianity, not so keen with Islam, they are quick to disembowel the Tea Party….Paul Ryan suddenly comes on the radar and Ayn Rand is ‘rubbished’…but ‘Occupy’ is glorified and given a halo of respectability and moral authority. Is it really leaderless, does it have a nice, heart warming for the good of mankind ethos as its basis, is it … Continue reading Lady Haw Haw
An Expert Is Someone Who Knows More And More About Less And Less.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
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Britannia Radio