Friday 24 August 2012

MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute
Special Dispatch |4912 |August 24, 2012

Member Of Leading Al-Qaeda-Affiliated Online Forum Posts Photo Of Navy SEAL Who Participated In Bin Laden Raid And Calls For 'Allah To Kill' Him


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The following report is a complimentary offering from MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM).

On August 23 and 24, 2012, a member of the Al-Fidaa jihadi forum who frequently reposts news stories posted two threads about the forthcoming book No Easy Day, about the raid on the compound of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011, by "Mark Owen," a Navy SEAL Team 6 member who participated in the raid and whose real name was recently revealed by the media.

One of the threads, referring to "Owen's" real name, featured an image of him headlined "First Image of One of the Dogs Who Killed Bin Laden." The post concluded with, "We ask Allah to kill him sooner, not later." Another member commented on this post, "Oh Allah, make him a living example, and let us witness his dark day."

Image of "Owen," as posted in the Al-Fidaa forum

Prayers against "Owen," as posted in the Al-Fidaa forum.

The other post included an image of the cover of the book.

Title page of No Easy Day, as posted in the Al-Fidaa forum.

The photo of "Owen" and of the book's cover were taken from and

While the comments on the threads included several honoring bin Laden and asking Allah to bless his soul, one member, "Abu Dujanah Al-Kinani," warned that the "lion's cubs" – that is, the mujahedeen – are awaiting the right time to avenge his killing.

In his comment, "Abu Dujanah" reminded readers of a poem line previously mentioned by bin Laden's successor Ayman Al-Zawahiri that warned the U.S. and its people of a day to come that will be like 9/11.

"Abu Dujanah" concluded his comment with another warning: "With Allah's support, what is coming is bitter and worse [than 9/11]." 

On August 24, 2012, a member of the Shumoukh Al-Islam jihadi forum also posted the same item, but without images. Another member commented: "Clear proof of their [i.e. the Americans'] cowardliness and their fear of of Al-Qaeda's lions is that they are still concealing the identities of the gang of mercenaries who assassinated Sheikh Osama."


The post on Al-Shumoukh, and the comment.