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August 9, 2012 The Abedin family Dear Harold, Two weeks ago, over 20,000 of you sent email letters to the U.S. House and Senate in support of the five Members of Congress who had the courage to raise questions about Muslim Brotherhood influence in our government. Thank you. A lot of heat was directed at these Members of Congress, and particularly Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, because of one letter’s reference to Huma Abedin, a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Since then, a great deal of information has emerged about Abedin and her family. http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/08/06/the-abedin-familys-pro-jihadist-journal/ The Abedin Family’s Pro-Jihadist Journal Posted By Andrew Bostom On August 6, 2012 (Adapted from this essay [1]) Steadily burgeoning [2] evidence [3] indicates that one of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, Huma Abedin, despite Ms. Clinton’s protestation [4], was inadequately vetted for either family, or personal ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Diligent, open [5] source [2]investigation [3] has already uncovered and documented numerous alarming connections. One can reasonably infer that a serious, formal Congressional investigation of the overall extent of Muslim Brotherhood influence operations—as requested [6] by Representatives Bachmann, Gohmert, Franks, Westmoreland, and Rooney— might yield even more disturbing findings. Pending these sorely needed Congressional inquiries—replete with their probing investigative tools—much can still be gleaned from the public record. For example, over the past 33 years, Huma Abedin’s family has been responsible for the editorial production of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs [7] (IMMA)’s academic journal [8], known as Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs. Journal, from 1979-1995, and Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs [JMMA], from 1996. till now, starting with family patriarch Syed Z. Abedin’s, and Huma’s mother,Saleha Abedin [2]’s, founding [9] involvement [10] since 1979, and subsequently joined by Huma’s brother Hassan Abedin (1996 [11] to present [12]), Huma herself (1996 [11] to 2008 [13]), and Huma’s sister, Heba (married name Khalid, or Khaled [14]; 2002 [15] to present [12]). Syed Abedin, in the inaugural edition of the IMMA journal, gives an effusive tribute [16] to one of his IMMA co-founders, Dr. Abdullah Omar Nasseef, Chairman [17] of the IMMA. During his concurrent tenure as Secretary-General of the Muslim World League—a combined [18] Saudi Wahhabi, Muslim Brotherhood-dominated organization—in July, 1988, Naseef also created theRabita Trust [19], and became its chairman. On October 12, 2001, then President George W. Bush’s Executive Order named Rabita Trust [20] as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist Entity, and the US Treasury Department froze its assets, while Naseef was still serving as the Trust’s chairman. Nasseef remained on the IMMA journal Editorial Board through 2003 [21], overlapping Huma Abedin’s tenure for 7-years (i.e., 1996-2003). The current (April/May 2012) issue of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs journal (JMMA) features two essays, introduced with lavish praise by Editor Saleha Abedin [22], which champion, unabashedly:
“disastrous combination of avid materialism, and egoistic individualism.” Abul Hasan Nadwi, was a founding member of the Muslim World League, a member of the Organization of Islamic Conference (now Cooperation), a member of the World Supreme Council of Mosques, and a member of the Fiqh Council of Rabita. In a triumphal 1951 manifesto extolling Islamic supremacism, Nadwi had proclaimed [24] “Behold the world of man looking with rapture at the world of Islam as its savior, and behold the world of Islam fixing its gaze on the Arab world as its secular and spiritual leader. Will the world of Islam realize the hope of the world of men? And will the Arab world realize the hope of the Muslim world?”Citing Nadwi with admiration, the same JMMA article opines [23], “[T]he confrontation has taken the shape of an ‘Islamic project’ in the Muslim world against Western modernity…. The war that has been declared against Western modernity now seeks a new modernity…unlike Western modernity.” Another featured essay [25] from the current issue [26] of the JMMA is a fitting complement to the journal’s endorsement [23] of the global Islamic supremacist agenda. This essay endorses [25]the so-called “innovative” application of the “Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities,” living, for example, in the West, whose stated purpose is, “enforcement of shari’ah on the Muslim communities.” However, by the essay’s own expressed standard [25]: “The theory of the Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities is most easily clarified by shedding light on its founders.” The two founders of this legal doctrine, as the essay notes [25], are Yusuf al-Qaradawi of Qatar, and Taha Jabir al-Alwani of Virginia, USA. Qaradawi has publicly advocated [27]:
All Articles Copyright © 2007-2012 Dr. Andrew Bostom | All Rights Reserved Printing is allowed for personal use only | Commercial usage(For Profit) is a copyright violation and written permission must be granted first. Article printed from Andrew Bostom: http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog URL to article: http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/08/06/the-abedin-familys-pro-jihadist-journal/ URLs in this post: [1] essay: http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2012/08/04/muslim-brotherhood-worldview-of-the-abedin-family-pseudo-academic-journal/ [2] burgeoning: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/07/saleha_abedin_and_the_muslim_sisterhood.html [3] evidence: http://pjmedia.com/andrewmccarthy/2012/07/27/huma-abedins-brotherhood-ties-are-not-just-a-family-affair/?singlepage=true [4] protestation: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/godandthemachine/2012/07/transcripts-remarks-by-hillary-clinton-on-the-2011-international-religious-freedom-report/ [5] open: http://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/p19045.xml?genre_id=3 [6] requested: http://bachmann.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=303218 [7] Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs: http://www.imma.org.uk/ [8] journal: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/cjmm20 [9] founding: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02666957908715790 [10] involvement: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02666957908715797 [11] 1996: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13602009608716335 [12] present: http://www.imma.org.uk/editorialboard.htm [13] 2008: http://web.archive.org/web/20080924122842/http:/www.imma.org.uk/editorialboard.htm [14] Khalid, or Khaled: http://www.shoebat.com/2012/07/27/exclusive-huma-abedins-sister-heba-also-connected-to-muslim-brotherhood/ [15] 2002: http://web.archive.org/web/20021202142005/http:/www.imma.org.uk/editorialboard.htm [16] effusive tribute: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02666957908715790 [17] Chairman: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02666957908715776 [18] combined: http://www.pewforum.org/Muslim/Muslim-Networks-and-Movements-in-Western-Europe-Muslim-World-League-and-World-Assembly-of-Muslim-Youth.aspx [19] Rabita Trust: http://www.nefafoundation.org/newsite/file/FeaturedDocs/Burnett_v_AlBaraka_3rdComplaint.pdf [20] named Rabita Trust: http://www.asil.org/ilib051031.cfm#ju5 [21] 2003: http://web.archive.org/web/20031203063833/http:/www.imma.org.uk/editorialboard.htm [22] Saleha Abedin: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13602004.2012.675738 [23] repeats: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13602004.2012.665625 [24] proclaimed: http://books.google.com/books/about/Modern_Islam.html?id=gpRtAAAAMAAJ [25] essay: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13602004.2012.665624 [26] current issue: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjmm20/32/1 [27] publicly advocated: http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2011/12/04/qaradawi-the-%E2%80%9Carab-spring%E2%80%9D-and-the-treason-of-the-intellectuals/ [28] created: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A12823-2004Sep10?language=printer [29] Reliance of the Traveller: http://www.amazon.com/Reliance-Traveller-Classic-Islamic-Al-Salik/dp/0915957728 [30] wished: http://www.currenttrends.org/docLib/20061018_MonographFishman2.pdf [31] named: http://foreignaffairs.house.gov/110/eme073108.pdf [32] translated: http://barracknow.blogspot.com/2011_07_10_archive.html
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