Friday 31 August 2012
Friday, 31 August 2012 07:11
'The abuse, neglect and outright disrespect that military vets receive from their own government is absolutely shocking. We owe these men and women a great debt for the service that they have performed for our nation, but instead the federal government kicks them to the curb and treats them with no honor whatsoever. The way a nation treats military vets says a lot about the character of that nation, and right now the way that America treats veterans says that we have the character of a steaming pile of manure.'
Friday, 31 August 2012 06:49
'If you’re reading the “signs of the times” like any thinking person, the outlook isn’t good. While phony political processes cloud the air with smoke, mirrors and idiotic political air horns, UN and foreign troops are reportedly training on American soil and massive arms and munitions buildups continue at the behest of an enemy government.
Our own.
All with no visible signs of anything being warranted, nor of a population being warned of impending disaster. Despite this obvious reality in every sphere of society the world marches on towards certain chaos.'
Friday, 31 August 2012 06:06
'This report could signal the beginning of the end of America’s unquestioning provision of military, diplomatic, and financial support to the “Jewish state”, thus a massive P.R. attack is being planned at the Republican National Convention to smear the Obama administration for the intelligence community’s insightful and sensible analysis of the exploitive nature and ongoing dangers of America’s present relationship with Israel.'
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:46