Monday 3 September 2012

A selection of recent media reports

The border authorities are making plans to rapidly deport hundreds of students from London Metropolitan University after de
Sunrise Radio (02-Sep-2012)
Coming Soon to a Field Near You: France's Roma Gypsies
HOUSANDS of Roma gypsies are contemplating new lives in Britain as France smashes up its camps and deports them. (02-Sep-2012)
July 7 survivor faces deportation from Britain
A university lecturer injured in the 7\/7 bombings faces being expelled from the UK even though he was born to (02-Sep-2012)
Migration confusion is costing Britain dear
The debate is frequently anxious or distorted and needs better research (02-Sep-2012)
Crisis of children with no school to go to
THOUSANDS of kids will start school this week crammed into temporary classrooms.
The Scottish Sun (02-Sep-2012)
Schools eye extension plan to tackle growing problem
AN urgent review into ways of accommodating soaring rolls in the Capital's primary schools is to look at adding e (01-Sep-2012)
Court quashes exploited chef's \u20AC92,000 award
A PAKISTANI chef who was forced to work seven days a week for pocket money, with just Christmas day off, yesterday had a \u20AC92,000 award against his employer thrown out by the courts. (01-Sep-2012)
London Met University may take visa row to High Court
High Court judges could have the final say in a bitter dispute between immigration officials and a London univer
The Independent (01-Sep-2012)
When I went up to St Andrews in 1960, two of my earliest pals were foreign students: a Nigerian sprinter who became a medic and an Indian physicist who went (01-Sep-2012)