About Those Africans

Prof. Steven Plaut
Steven Plaut teaches at the University of Haifa and is author of "The Scout" (available from Gefen Publishing House). More of his writings can be seen on the New Plaut Blog, as well as in numerous electronic and print newspapers.The world has found a new form of Bash-Israel recreation, this time denouncing Israel for not being a gracious host for unlimited numbers of infiltrators from Africa. The "racist" Israelis have even held some noisy demonstrations in Tel Aviv demanding that the Africans be expelled. And a Knesset Member even referred to their presence in the country as a "cancer".
Meanwhile, the Israeli Far Left is continuing its campaign to flood Israel with Africans seeking the comfort and luxury of Israeli minimum wage work. The reason for the Left's campaign is its desire to see the Jewish population in Israel eroded to the lowest possible percent, with the non-Jewish population as large as possible.
Why Eritrea?. Because most of the tens of thousands of "Sudanese refugees" in Israel are neither Sudanese nor refugees. The bulk are infiltrators from Eritrea. Most are Moslems and there is suspicion that terrorists enter the country among them.
Haaretz, the Palestinian newspaper published in Hebrew, is campaigning AGAINST efforts to block their entry and AGANST proposals to deport those who have already infiltrated. It is trying to play to the heart strings of Israeli bleeding hearts by reporting how awful things are in Eritrea. We sure don't want to send these people home to that, do we?
A few problems with this though. First, not a single Eritrean infiltrator enters Israel from Eritrea. Every single one of them entered from Egypt. So even if we were to take at face value the Haaretz "scoops" about the barbarism of life in Eritrea, none of that is relevant. Long before the infiltrators crossed the border into Israel they were enjoying the sunshine and tranquility of Arab-sprung Egypt.
The other problem is that Eritrea is not the only country in Africa where conditions are tough. If every African living in an African country where conditions are nasty were to be invited into Israel, which seems to be the Haaretz master plan, then Israel will be a country consisting of 7 million Jews, 1 million Arabs, and 400 million
If Africans in Eritrea have things so tough, just why is that an Israeli problem? And let's hear no nonsense about the "Jewish conscience" nor whining about the pangs from history when Jews were refugees.
Aside from the fact that the infiltrators are not refugees, I have no problem with nice caring Jews ponying up thir own funds to fly all African refugees to nice wealthy welcoming places like Canada or France or Sweden or New Zealand. And thanks to global warming, just think about all the thawed lush land available now in Greenland. I am even willing to chip in for transport costs - and my salary sucks!
The exception to my objections is that I would be willing to allow a few thousand Eritreans to remain in Israel as long as they are housed on cots in Shimon Peres' presidential compound in Jerusalem and in the Peres Peace Center. I bet we could fit 200 just in Peres' own private bedroom suite, with 60 more in the marble bathroom.
The Left and the anti-Israel media are whining that Israel's refusal to allow itself to be flooded with Africans is nothing more than the reflection of anti-black "racism" of Israeli Jews.