Monday, 3 September 2012

Barclays Makes £500 Million Betting on Food Crisis

'Barclays has made as much as half a billion pounds in two years from speculating on food staples such as wheat and soya, prompting allegations that banks are profiting handsomely from the global food crisis.
Barclays is the UK bank with the greatest involvement in food commodity trading and is one of the three biggest global players, along with the US banking giants Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, research from the World Development Movement points out.
Last week the trading giant Glencore was attacked for describing the global food crisis and price rises as a "good" business opportunity.'


Royal Powers of Veto Over Laws to Be Made Public

'Details of secret powers held by senior members of the Royal Family granting veto over Government legislation could me made public after a decision by the Information Commissioner. The Cabinet Office has been told to hand over papers which guide ministers on when and how to consult the Queen and Prince Charles over new laws.

It follows a Freedom of Information request by campaigners amid mounting concern over the Prince of Wales's intervention in public life on issues ranging from architecture to nanotechnology. The Cabinet Office said it was considering whether to appeal the decision.
The Prince has been asked to consent to at least 12 draft bills during the past two Parliaments. Among the issues are those relating to his role as head of the Duchy of Cornwall, which provides his £17m annual private income.'