Saturday 8 September 2012

Seen Elsewhere


Saturday Seven Up

This week 100,074 visitors visited 336,488 times viewing 578,713 pages. The top stories in order of popularity were:
You’re either in front of Guido, or behind…

Cabinet Office Hint at Whitehall Pilgrim Movements

Pilgrims are back on the agenda for the last day of the consultation into taxpayer funding for Whitehall civil servants who are actually working on behalf on unions. The TUC mouthpiece put up on the Daily Politics bleated on about how it was all great value for money yet could not answer why, if these Pilgrims are so effective, the rate of public sector strikes is even higher. Digging around it seems that the TUC’s Paul Novak does not really believe what he told viewers today. Speaking in 2011 he said:
“In terms of the added value. Unions do not exist to help Britain’s workplaces to run more smoothly or to make them more productive…. Our core reason for being is to collectively and individually represent our members, their families and their communities  in the workplace and beyond.”
No doubt the TUC’s submission to the consultation won’t let the cat out of the bag quite so spectacularlY

Compare and Contrast: Value for Gordon

The jet-setting former Prime Mentalist claims eighteen times the amount of expenses asked for by value-for-money lowest claiming MP, despite the fact that he never turns up for work…

Tony Blair Latest Middle East Peace Deal

Alphaville is reporting that Tony is playing peacemaker again. Not quite between warring countries but close enough – between mining giants Glencore and Qatar Holding after the Qataris threatened to pull the plug on Glencore’s massive merger with Xstrata. The deal is said to be worth £70bn so no doubt there will be a nice slice of a piece of the action for our Tone…