Save the Children’s Welfare Bureaucracy | Telegraph
“Predistribution”: Really Just An Anodyne Buzzword | LabourList
“Predistribution”: Not Good, Not Original | Chris Dillow
“Predistribution”: Nothing New | Hopi Sen
Scilly Spring: Councillors Openly Rebelling | Scilly Today
Let Some Grow Taller Than Others | Priti Patel
Time to Use Our EU Veto | John Redwood
I Want to Kill Mitt Romney | The Commentator
Paterson and the Shale Revolution | Fraser Nelson
Whips, Whips’ or Whip’s? | Crash Bang Wallace
Cabinet Office Hint at Whitehall Pilgrim Movements

“In terms of the added value. Unions do not exist to help Britain’s workplaces to run more smoothly or to make them more productive…. Our core reason for being is to collectively and individually represent our members, their families and their communities in the workplace and beyond.”No doubt the TUC’s submission to the consultation won’t let the cat out of the bag quite so spectacularlY
Compare and Contrast: Value for Gordon

The jet-setting former Prime Mentalist claims eighteen times the amount of expenses asked for by value-for-money lowest claiming MP, despite the fact that he never turns up for work…
Tony Blair Latest Middle East Peace Deal