Friday 7 September 2012

Collectivist Mindset: Recipe for Revolution
To foster collectivism, communitarians (meaning “members of a commune”) employ Hegelian Dialectic, also known as conflict resolution or the Delphi technique. German philosopher George Frederick Hegel (1770-1831) achieved group consensus under peer pressure by (1) posing a thesis, (2) offering its antithesis, and then (3) synthesizing the two. For example, the contradiction of concentrated money/ power with.....
by Debra Rae
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Liberals Created the Culture of Evil and Death, Part 2
TIn his piece, The Market-Driven Church, Gary Gilley underscores that, “fun has replaced holiness as the church's goal. Having a good time has become the criterion of an excellent, growing church, since fun and entertainment is what church consumers want. Yet Scripture references encouraging churches to become havens of fun are, as one may suspect, sadly lacking.” Pragmatism ushered in the church growth “Purpose-Driven”........
by Marsha West
The world is bankrupt -- How it will affect you? Call Harvey or Jay at USA Gold Vault and protect your future with real money. 602-228-8203.
God IS in the American platform
There is an ongoing and vicious battle against the source of freedom in the United States of America. Social morays, moral boundaries, right and wrong, accountability to anyone other than big Government is the enemy and must be destroyed. God is in the way. The progressive leftists would just love to find God and sue Him for infringing on everyone’s rights and sexual expression. “God…just look at what you do with your.....
by Laurie Roth