Tuesday 11 September 2012

Critical bill for state legislatures 2013 session: constitutional militia
Your state house is where freedom can be regained. Washington, DC., is the seat of tyranny. There's no other way to describe the treachery coming out of that once lovely area now known as nothing more than a criminal syndicate......
by Devvy Kidd

Chaos Reaction - Basic Extinction
In the writing and research for “Chaos-Reaction – Basic Extinction,” our goal is to present to a mainstream audience both scientific answers and the counsel of the prophets, by immersing them in an experience that will allow them to download the future like a software app and then pull from the future answers that were predicted from the past and give them real hope and not just platitudes........
by Paul McGuire--

The True Goal of School Choice
TAs a former school board member I was shocked, especially by the call for “control and manipulation” at the state and local level. I leaked the document to Human Events which published it, and was subsequently fired for doing so. (As if the U.S. Department of Education is the equivalent of the Central Intelligence Agency or the U.S. Department of Defense which necessarily has to classify its documents (to keep them from the.....
by Charlotte Iserbyt