Government in 'war of civilisation' against tax evasion
Austerity needed to avoid 'precipice' Monti says
07 September, 12:11
"We have launched a war of civilisation against tax evasion and other things that it would be reductive to consider solely as economic or financial, but which undermine trust in those near and far and in the State," Monti told participants at the Fiera del Levante international trade fair in the southern port town of Bari.
The prime minister said that he appreciated criticism of the government, adding that he would share some of the negative judgements "if I did not have in mind the drama of the challenge facing us". Monti acknowledged that some measures may have seemed excessively strict but said they had been necessary to enable Italy "to avoid the precipice". "Sacrifices by Italian citizens" had also allowed the country to pull through, he said