Sunday 2 September 2012

more on Iranian Spies

The interrogation of the nine Iranian spies has revealed that they were gathering information on the Syrian refugees, supporters of the ruling AK Party, military units and some buildings used by Turkish intelligence services. 

The spies employed by Iran's SAVAMA wanted information on public bodies and important persons resident in Chaldiran, Van (which is the site of a famous battle) in exchange for money. 

The Iranian agents confessed that the Pasdaran who are under the command of the revolutionary guard and the Sipah who work for Iran's armed forces were also gathering information on Turkey's eastern provinces. Iranian authorities facilitate fuel smuggling across the border in order to recieve help from local groups. 

The Iranian authorities wanted to know how Turkish authorites discovered that arms were being smuggled through Turkey to Assad forces in Syria. 

They employed Turkish speaking Azeris in Iran to set up their connections in Turkey. Informers were paid through foreign currency exchange bureaus to avoid detection by Turkish authorities. 

Iran has also contacted the PKK and asked for detailed information on the Turkish armed forces, the PKK camps and casualties incurred by the Turkish army.