Friday, 7 September 2012
NB- . This is for real. Our tax dollars at work.
Dr. Carol,
I am so not surprised [at the video of voter registration shenanigans in Minnesota sent earlier].
I am a registered poll worker and went thru 6 hours of training.
The complete and total waste of time and money, lots of money, is a scandal in this time of govt. deficits.
I worked last April at an election site here in Queens for an election for Judge.
A total of 140 people voted.
We were open 16 hours.
We had 40 people working at this site.
This calculates to one worker for every 3.5 voters.
We had a special machine for the disabled, the grievously disabled, and not one person used it.
The machine costs $50,000.
I spoke to workers at other sites and no one can remember a single voter using these machines which the City of New York ordered by the hundreds to comply with the VRA. In my neighborhood the ballot is translated into 6 languages.
Despite this we had to hire 4 translators.
One or two people used the translators.
In nearby Richmond Hills, the Bengalis are considering suing because the ballot hasn't been translated into Bengali.
This is the result of left wing "progressivism".
haven't yet decided if I will work this year on Election Day.
The results are accurate but the waste is unbelievable.
I don't know much about the absentee ballot, but I do know that my son-in-law while serving in Iraq was unable to vote.
You may forward this to your email list, but please don't use my name.
Thanks for fighting the good fight.
I can verify all of this.
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Britannia Radio