Monday 10 September 2012
“Indeed, a substantial, well-researched academic literature shows that if anything the reverse is true: hosting big sporting events is an economic burden.” But not if you’re a Union Leader. Brendan Barber…the man who thinks not turning up for work and spending lots of money you don’t have is the way to prosperity. “We can’t muddle through greening our economy – we need investment, planning and an Olympic-style national crusade.” … Continue reading
What is it about Marx that Stephanie Flanders finds so appealing? Marx told us that ‘What the Communists might be reproached with, is that they desire to introduce an openly legalized community of women.’ …. that is, a system where one person can have multiple partners in replacement of marriage. Hmmm. Stephanie Flanders, the girl who just keeps on giving. I could almost retire from writing about BBC Bias … Continue reading
Jim Dandy (PBUH) has expressed some cynicism about the BBC’s lack of coverage of Miliband’s ‘Predistribution’ being actual pro-Labour bias. New evidence has come to light. Item one for consideration is Newsnight, Item two is Jim Naughtie’s interview with Labour’s Chuka Umunna. During the Newsnight report Allegra Stratton revealed what lay at the heart of Miliband’s new strategy for social harmony and equality…it was in essence the ‘NOBBLING OF COMPANIES’, but … Continue reading
Yesterday Ed Miliband launched Labour’s comeback with a raft of proposals to bring riches and a sense of fair play back to Britain. A Plan C rather than Plan B, as he seems to have dumped most of what Balls proposes….lowering taxes and spending more. This was a major speech from Miliband but it raised hardly a ripple on the BBC news front. There is this but it hardly bothers … Continue reading
Posted by Britannia Radio at 16:06