Saturday, 8 September 2012

One of the world's great liars, frauds and crooks lies and lies and lies ... but the morons cheer and cheer and cheer

Tell them everything that you haven't done as if you have done it ... and wait for the morons to applaud and wave their pre-arranged slogans of 'Forward' when 'Forward' into fascism is what he is talking about.
I spoke at the Bestival music festival on the Isle of Wight yesterday and encountered the British version of these morons along with some bright, intelligent and awake people (the video will be posted in due course).
Morons run the world because the world is full of morons worshipping morons.
So sad, but true.
Here is the response of any intelligent person to this Obama speech ...
Obama claims credit for doing the very opposite of everything that he has done and all the victims of Obama cheer him and shout for 'four more years'.
The vast majority of the human race is a software program as I experienced - as I knew I would - at the Bestival on the Isle of Wight yesterday when the awakening and the brain-dead came together to highlight the fantastic gulf between opening minds and the comatose.
The world is insane … discuss …


Brussels Plans to Fine Offensive Language

'Brussels, Belgium, wants everyone to be nice. And if not, it's going to cost you.
"Any form of insult is from now on [is] punishable, whether it be racist, homophobic or otherwise," Brussels Mayor Freddy Thielemans' spokesperson quoted him as saying, according to the Telegraph. Fines will range between 75 and 250 euros for using offensive language or sexually harassing someone in public, officials said.'

BBC Now Admits al Qaeda Never Existed


The Message From Both Parties Is That Americans Are Disposable

'If political conventions are ranked on a one to ten scale for intelligence, I give the Republican Convention zero and the Democrats one.
How can the United States be a superpower when both political parties are unaware of everything that is happening at home and abroad?
The Republicans are relying for victory on four years of anti-Obama propaganda and their proprietary programed electronic voting machines. For nearly four years Republican operatives have flooded the Internet with portraits of Obama as a non-US citizen, as a Muslim (even while Obama was murdering Muslims in seven countries), and as a Marxist (put in power by the Israel Lobby, Wall Street, and the military/security complex).'

Bank Loses All Of Family’s Possessions After Wrongfully Foreclosing On Home

'Wells Fargo employees wrongfully foreclosed a modest home near a small town in California, removing and destroying nearly all of an old couple’s belongings.
Alvin and Pat Tjosaas, who have been married for 56 years, lost three generations worth of their belongings when a contracted foreclosure crew accidentally broke into the wrong house. The Tjosaas had no mortgage on the house that Alvin had built with his dad as a teenager.
“Good news, we know who took it: Wells Fargo. Bad news, the stuff is all gone,” Alvin Tjosaas told CBS Los Angeles. Subcontractors hired by the bank broke doors, smashed windows and stole valuables while foreclosing the couple’s vacation home near Twentynine Palms.'

Greeks Stage Mock Hangings in Protest at Austerity Measures as European Central Bank Riles Germans With Euro Debt Plan

'Members of the Greek security forces staged a symbolic hanging in front of the nation's parliament in Athens in protest at austerity measures in place in the debt-stricken country.
Uniformed members of the police force, fire brigade and coast guard staged the emotive demonstration during a rally yesterday to protest against cuts to security forces' pay and benefits. On the same day the European Central Bank launched a bold plan to save the crumbling euro from collapse, but this led to a damaging rift with Germany.'

Biblical-Type Floods Are Real, and They’re Absolutely Enormous

'Geologists long rejected the notion that cataclysmic flood had ever occurred—until one of them found proof of a Noah-like catastrophe in the wildly eroded river valleys of Washington State.'

Turkish Army Commanding Insurgents in Northern Syria: Report

'Turkish Army officers are directly commanding insurgents in northern Syria, including the cities of Idlib and Aleppo, a report says. According to a Thursday report by Debkafile, which is widely believed to have close links to Israeli intelligence sources, insurgents in the two cities receive orders from headquarters in the southeastern Turkish city of Gaziantep.
Meanwhile, the director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), David Petraeus, arrived in Ankara on Monday to discuss Turkey’s proposal to expand its military presence in Syria. After meeting with Turkish military and intelligence chiefs, Petraeus flew to Israel to hold similar talks with the Tel Aviv regime, the report said.'

EU Mulls Imposing Total Ban on ‘Made in Israel’ Goods

'The European Union is mulling over “a total ban” on the goods produced in the Israeli illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian lands, a Greek Foreign Ministry official says.
The diplomat told a group of Israeli and Palestinian journalists in the Greek capital, Athens, on Friday that “EU nations were currently holding discussions on the issue” to impose a ban on all the goods produced in the occupied territories and labeled as “Made in Israel.” According to multiple Israeli media reports, the Greek diplomat said that the move would be like an action South Africa adopted last month.'


EU Funding 'Orwellian' Artificial Intelligence Plan to Monitor Public for 'Abnormal Behaviour'

'A five-year research programme, called Project Indect, aims to develop computer programmes which act as "agents" to monitor and process information from web sites, discussion forums, file servers, peer-to-peer networks and even individual computers.
Its main objectives include the "automatic detection of threats and abnormal behaviour or violence".
Project Indect, which received nearly £10 million in funding from the European Union, involves the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and computer scientists at York University, in addition to colleagues in nine other European countries.'

eclassified CIA Document Reveals US Analytic Errors Before Iraq War

'The American spy agency, CIA has declassified a document, admitting to “analytic liabilities” that resulted in false US intelligence estimates on Iraq’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction, leading to a major war.
The heavily-redacted 2006 review, declassified on Wednesday, shows that the case for war against Iraq rested on a number of falsehoods, all of which came from the US intelligence community’s failures in assessing Iraqi weapons programs in the lead-up to the Bush administration’s 2003 invasion.
The document highlights that such “analytic liabilities” kept US analysts from seeing the issue “through an Iraqi prism” and generated findings that helped justify the Iraq war.'