Sunday, 9 September 2012

Owen Paterson: The 'unknown Cabinet minister’ has a fight on his hands

Owen Paterson, a countryman and trenchant Eurosceptic, is uniquely qualified to head the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Throw them back: Owen Paterson’s paper criticising the Common Fisheries Policy was hailed, even by greenies
Throw them back: Owen Paterson’s paper criticising the Common Fisheries Policy was hailed, even by greenies Photo: DAVID BRENCHLEY
Congratulations to all those green campaigners who were quick to spot what could turn out to be the most significant of all the new appointments in last week’s ministerial reshuffle. While media attention was largely focused elsewhere, all the usual suspects, from the BBC to The Guardian, were seething with indignation over David Cameron’s surprising choice of Owen Paterson, the “unknown Cabinet minister”, to head the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. As the greenies noted that Paterson had been outspokenly critical of wind farms and renewable energy subsidies, and equally keen to speak up for shale gas, GM crops and badger culling, The Guardian’s George Monbiot, at his moonbattiest, decreed that his promotion was “a declaration of war on the environment”.
As usual, however, the greenies missed the wider picture. The reason why for years Paterson has been off the political radar is that he was tucked away in Northern Ireland, where, as a trenchant Eurosceptic, he was kept quiet with a brief as unconnected with the EU as possible. But his new ministry is at the opposite extreme. In almost all it does, from agriculture and fisheries to waste management and water, Defra has long been little more than a front office for Brussels.
The point about Paterson is that he is in fact uniquely qualified for his new post. Not only is he a countryman heavily involved in the rural scene, he is also one of the few senior politicians with experience of the real world outside the Westminster bubble (he was formerly a leading figure in the European leather trade). If he is sceptical, he is a pragmatic sceptic. He looks carefully at how something works in practice, and if he concludes that it doesn’t justify the fashionable claims being made by those blinded by ideology into promoting it, he does not hesitate to say so.
Years ago, Mr Paterson featured regularly in this column because he was the most diligently effective shadow spokesman on farming and fisheries the Tory party had had for decades. When he broke a parliamentary record by putting down 600 carefully researched questions on the link between badgers and the bovine TB that was decimating our dairy industry, it was because he wanted to establish the scientific facts being obscured by the spin of a Government in thrall to the sentimental animal rights lobby. When he produced a paper on what might practically be done to rescue fishermen and fish stocks from the ecological disaster being created by the Common Fisheries Policy, even environmentalists hailed it as the most sensible study of the subject ever written.
It is the same attention to hard evidence that has led him to be sceptical about almost every aspect of the Brussels-led policies which for years have emasculated Defra into dutiful compliance with measures that make no practical sense, from the damage they have done to British agriculture and the obsession with “renewable energy” to the absurd way we mismanage our waste and our water resources (it was his predecessor Caroline Spelman who meekly went along with the EU’s urging that we should meet the prospect of climate change-induced droughts by not building any more reservoirs).
The brief Mr Paterson has been given, according to Downing Street, is to revive Britain’s hard-pressed rural economy. What he is determined to do is push for a wholesale return to policies that make practical common sense, in light of the facts rather than misguided ideology. If he tries to do that in all the directions his pragmatic instincts lead him to, he will inevitably find himself up against opposition and constraints on all sides – not just from the EU and its house-trained acolytes in his own department but also from other ministers, notably those in the Department of Energy and Climate Change. Nowhere is this battle likely to be fiercer than over those useless wind farms and the vast reserves of cheap shale gas, which could offer Britain an even brighter energy future than that promised in the 1970s by the North Sea, as Paterson has been well-briefed to grasp, not least by his brother-in-law Matt Ridley. Thanks to the fact that the regulation of shale gas was given to the Environment Agency, answering to Defra, he can now call the shots on this issue in a way that those who hoped it could thus be parked on the back burner never imagined.
Mr Paterson has indeed got a fight on his hands. If he fails in his drive to bring about the most radical shake-up in Defra’s orientation for decades, he will at least have demonstrated where those problems lie, which are in so many ways constraining the lives of all those affected by its vast range of activities. He – and the rest of us – are in for what promises to be an exhilarating, if unnerving, ride.
Landmark trial over baby snatched from Spain
In May and June I reported here more than once on the extraordinary legal drama over a baby born to an English couple living in France – Joe Ollis and Marie Black – who was tracked down, seized and brought back to England by Norfolk social workers. A High Court judge then ruled that the social workers had acted illegally under an EU law, known as “Brussels II”. Because the baby had never had “habitual residence” in England, he ruled that the British courts had no jurisdiction, ordering the child to be returned to its overjoyed parents in France.
At the same time, I reported on the equally disturbing case of a Welsh mother who had escaped to Spain for the birth of her baby in April. Social workers were determined to seize this baby because they had already taken an older child from her after an episode involving abuse by a former partner long out of her life. So desperate were they to track down the mother and new baby that the Welsh police in turn arrested the child’s grandmother, grandfather and father, who had returned to Britain, threatening them all with prison unless they revealed the child’s whereabouts.
Last week, the Spanish police arrived to seize the baby from its weeping mother’s arms, gabbling at her in Spanish, which she did not understand. The following day, an English-speaking Spanish court official explained that the baby was to be returned to Britain on the orders of the British social workers. The Spanish authorities, he said with tears in his eyes, had been powerless to refuse. The distraught mother contacted a London solicitor involved in the case of Joe and Marie, who, after making enquiries, was able to tell her an application for a care order on the child was to be heard next morning. The mother was told her baby was already on its way back to Britain – but that the case had been adjourned for a full hearing in the High Court this week.
This raises the question whether the Welsh social workers appear to have been acting in direct contravention of the principle of EU law upheld by that High Court judge in May – the five-month-old baby has never had “habitual residence” anywhere but Spain. This week’s hearing could make legal history. Will the new judge follow his predecessor in upholding the principle that British courts have no jurisdiction over a child who has never lived in Britain? Or will that principle now be reversed?
There is a huge issue of law at stake, the implications of which go far beyond the plight of this one mother and child who have been so cruelly, and for no obvious good reason, torn apart.
Communist regimes sure know how to top off the medals table
All the attention focused on the remarkable performance of “Team GB” in the Paralympics has tended to obscure the astonishing dominance of the Chinese People’s Republic, which with more than 80 gold medals, and some 90 more medals overall than Britain, has left everyone else out of sight. But battling with GB for second place has been Russia, closely followed by the Ukraine. A month ago, at the end of the Olympics proper, I observed how the combined results of all the 15 countries formerly making up the Soviet Union would easily have led the world. Their final score of 164 medals put them way ahead of the USA’s 104, with their 47 golds even inching them ahead of America’s 46.
This may be only a historical curiosity, but we must remember how, in the decades between 1952 and 1988 when the old USSR regularly dominated the Olympic medals table, this was ascribed to the ruthless way the Communists put support for sport at the top of their propagandist agenda. Two decades after the fall of Communism, however, those 15 countries would still have led the world, as they have almost done again in the Paralympics, with nearly twice as many medals, gold and otherwise, as Team GB. But they have still ended up behind the extraordinary record of those 1.2 billion Chinese, which suggests that in some respects a ruthlessly determined Communist state system still knows how to leave the rest of the world standing.