Sunday 2 September 2012

Remove the Blinders and Accept the Truth
America has faced many natural and man-made disasters in the history of the nation. However, it seems that in 2012 Americans have had to face a drastic increase in such disasters. As a result, it has become almost unbearable for Americans to cope with these tragedies. Therefore, many Americans have sought an escape mechanism to help them to distance themselves from these events, since it was not their fault, but an act of nature or a deranged person. Ultimately, they have chosen to figuratively wear blinders...
by Dr Carl Parnell

Can a Christian vote for Romney
There has been a lot of talk about how Romney belongs to a cult and that Christians should not vote for him. I guess that they should vote for Obama, as many did in 2008. I know of many churches that voted for Obama because he was black. For some reason some Christians don’t think that God can use Romney to get what He wants done, done. What they don’t understand is that.......
by Pastor Roger Anghis

My Mistake, Honey
How do we give gifts to God today? One way is by giving a piece of ourselves, perhaps controlling our temper more or putting a smile on our face despite our stress. Nobody but God need know of our inner struggle, and He smiles. Another way, however, is to give charity, particularly anonymously. While a person may be the beneficiary, we are actually giving a gift to God as much as to a person - especially if we do not know whom our gift is aiding and the recipient does not know that we are the donor......
by Rabbi Daniel Lapin