Sep 06, 2012
Brief but important update.
I've written extensively that FED head honcho Ben Bernanke is the most politically motivated FED chairman in the sordid history of this private cabal of bankers. For those of you that watch the
markets/economy closely, I doubt that many of you would dispute this observation...regardless of whether you are a democrat or republican.
Across the pond, Mario Draghi, head of the ECB...Europe's sister
central bank to the US viewed exactly the same way. The ECB has become the buyer of last resort for bankrupt European countries, but even this fact has not been enough to keep their sovereign debt markets from imploding. Now, as announced just this morning (and VERY conveniently during the Democratic national convention...on the very same day that Obama speaks no less), Draghi's ECB just announced that
they will become the buyer of "everything" European from this point forward!
Talk about curious timing...maybe this explains it:
1) Obama needs the FED's/Bernankes support...aka mass manipulation... in order to win re-election
2) Bernanke desperately needs Obama to win...because he knows he is out of a job if Romney were to win
3) Draghi will be out of a job next year if German Chancellor Angela Merkel loses her re-election bid, making Draghi hostage to Merkel, exactly the relationship that exists between Obama/Bernanke
Does anyone reading this doubt that the fix is in?
If I am correct, fully expect the following to take place, starting
1) Going forward, essentially every economic report that we see on the US economy will be positive...starting with the employment report on August job numbers...released tomorrow morning at 8:30 EST
2) Stock markets, both here and globally, will lurch fact we are seeing this today with the DOW up 240 points...with similar moves throughout Europe
3) Surprise, surprise...the US media will salivate about the
opportunity to give Obama 4 more years to finish the job he started.
If the above takes place, Republicans/conservatives may find
themselves asking "hey, maybe Obama isn't so bad after all", and if nothing else, stay home instead of bothering to even vote. After all, Romney doesn't exactly make anyone jump up an down...he's an amateur
compared to Obama when it comes to going after the hearts and minds of voters. And I haven't even mentioned the three Presidential debates that are coming up. Romney has been leading hard with economic blasts on,what does he do if all of the numbers begin to show a recovery is actually taking place? These debates could be ugly for the republican embarrassingly so.
We are only 100 Dow points away from a new 52 week high...and a breakout on supposedly good economic news could easily catapult us to 14,000 before the election in November.
Short term market players can take advantage of this move higher by purchasing UPRO...the 3X leveraged ETF for the S&P 500. A move to 14,000 on the Dow would result in an approximate gain of 16% in UPRO.
Also remember this...the all time high in the Dow is roughly
14,200...a level that Obama/Bernanke would love to see surpassed prior to the first Tuesday in November.
Call me a full blown skeptic...but's sure looking to me
like the fix is in.
Friday, 7 September 2012
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Britannia Radio