Thursday, 6 September 2012
I am sure many of you will have seen BBC coverage of the riots in Belfast in recent nights. However is it possible that the BBC played a role in CREATING the riots through their very selective coverage? A Biased BBC reader writes; “ The BBC NI website was instrumental in making the band at St Patrick’s Chapel the biggest news issue around the 12th July. It was their main headline … Continue reading
Here I start you off with a passage from a Telegraph article….One point of which is the renewed popularity of Gordon Brown… surprise really when the BBC has done all it can to smother any and all criticism of him….you will rarely hear his name on the BBC despite him being both Chancellor and PM and leading us into the most disastrous financial crisis possibly in history. Also included are further parts … Continue reading
This is the BBC’s take on how the Olympics went for the troops working there: London Olympics: How was it for the troops? The public love them, their efficiency, friendly nature and some of the women coming into the Park often admit there is that man-in-uniform factor. “I was very happy to see the soldiers,” says Liz Gluckman, arriving with her family from Cobham. “They were very friendly and smiling.” … Continue reading
Wednesday Open Thread for your edification…
The opening night of the Democratic National Convention and the First Lady’s speech were a rousing success, according to Mark Mardell, the BBC’s US President editor. And his ignorance is on full display. For Michelle, the personal is political Mardell has been seeking inspiration for months, and seems to have found it. But first, a little sneer while making a lazy attempt to compare Michelle Obama’s speech to Ann Romney’s: … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio