Monday 3 September 2012

The History of World War III, Part 2
To The Finland Station, Bill Clinton’s favorite tome in the highest heat of his collegiate idealism, and the most recent edition of which – as far as I know now of such editions – has a most revealing introduction by Professor Louis Menand of New York University. It is basically a “Before You Read Warning.” New York University, near which I lived for many years, is hardly a bastion of conservative thought. Yet.....
by Award Winning Actor, Michael Moriarty

The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 16
At the beginning of Part 15 of this series, I mentioned that U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and four other members of Congress had inquired about the possible influence of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) within our federal government. Rep. Keith Ellison asked Rep. Bachmann for more information about her concerns, and she replied that the federal government continues to be "advised by organizations and individuals that the U.S. government itself has identified in federal courts as fronts for Muslim Brotherhood.".......
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D

What Can I Do?
In short, unless dramatic reductions in government spending occur, the whole monstrous government mess will come crashing down upon itself atop an economy in shambles. That is clearly where we are headed, and no serious observer doubts the direction even if he or she doubts the time within which it will happen or the extent of the calamitous results that will follow......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

The immigration factor: Power you Wield to Change History
If you wrote your letter, email and phone call to Charlie Rose last week, he and his producers must have been blown out of the water by 10,000 plus emails, letters and phone calls demanding he interview the dozen speakers provided in your letter. You made Thomas Jefferson proud by your “Actions speak louder than words.” Okay, let’s get busy again this week and the weeks that follow......
by Frosty Wooldridge