Sunday 9 September 2012

MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute

Updated MEMRI 9/11 Documentation Project Website



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Since September 11, 2001, The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has been following, and documenting, content from the Middle East and South Asia media on the attacks of that day. Many of the initial reactions in these media – from prominent journalists, academics, politicians, and leading religious figures, as well as from officials in the governments of Arab countries – centered on conspiracy theories implicating the Jews, Israel and/or the Mossad; President Bush, Vice President Cheney, the CIA, the FBI, and/or the National Security Council; Christians and/or the Vatican; the U.K.; white supremacist groups; and others.
  • To visit the Updated MEMRI 9/11 Documentation Project Website, click here .
  • To visit the Updated MEMRI TV 9/11 Documentation Project Website, click here
September 11, 2001 also marks the emergence of the reform movement in the Arab and Muslim world. Following the attacks, intellectuals, writers, journalists, associations, and reform websites and organizations, in ever-growing numbers, began calling for reform – which resulted ultimately, years later, in the Arab Spring.
The MEMRI 9/11 Documentation Project Archives constitute the foremost repository for translated research material from the Arab and Muslim world on 9/11, providing primary sources and translated research – including video clips, print and online media, and more – for governments, legislatures, media, and academia worldwide. As the events of 9/11 become a topic of study in curricula in the Arab and Muslim world, MEMRI will cover schoolbooks as well. 
The countries/regions covered by the project are Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Pakistan, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, and Yemen.
Currently, the MEMRI 9/11 Documentation Project Archives include hundreds of translations and analyses from over 75 print media sources. Also included are over 500 minutes (to date) of translated MEMRI TV clips, from some 100 channels Arab and Iranian TV channels, including Al-Jazeera, Hizbullah’s Al-Manar TV, Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV, and many others.
Special Dispatch No. 4938

Hajj Malcolm Shabazz, Grandson Of Malcolm X, Accuses The US Of Carrying Out 9/11 And States: Hundreds Of Black Men Are Murdered Every Year In The US With Impunity

Following are excerpts from an interview with Hajj Malcolm Shabazz, grandson of Malcolm X, which aired on Press TV and was posted on Youtube on April 17, 2012:
Malcolm Shabazz: "I don't believe in the presidency. I believe that the presidency post in the United States is nothing more than a puppet post. When we see movements like the Occupy movement where you have the 99% fighting against that 1% - it's not about color. It's about that minority, which keeps control of the majority.
"When Bill Clinton became president, many black people considered Bill Clinton to be the first black president. Why? Because he smoked a little weed, he played the saxophone, he had an oral sex situation in the White House with Monica Lewinsky – many things that they feel appeal to black people."

Special Dispatch No. 4937

Article In Iranian Press TV: Were Real People Murdered On 9/11?

In an article titled "Were Real Persons Murdered on 9/11," published by Iran's on April 30, 2012, Stewart Ogilby, a columnist for, asked about "how many real persons died" in the events of 9/11 and discussed the research efforts of one Simon Shack who "postulated all alleged [9/11] victims to be computer created fakes who never existed." He speculated about "evil ones" who have "worked diligently... to firm up paper trails of phony victims," and concluded that "exposing Americans to the financially ruinous, murderous, and dishonest trick played upon them on 9/11... may become the key that unlocks petty partisanship and provides energy for major political change in our nation."
"How Many Real Persons Died" In 9/11?
"The question is an absurd one except to those of us who have spent part of our lives exploring contradictions and mysteries posed by official narratives regarding events of that world-changing day. Increasingly, the question is becoming, 'How many real persons died as a result of alleged events that occurred in connection with the destruction of buildings in New York City's World Trade Center Complex on September 11, 2001?' A logical tentative answer is provided by Mr. Simon Shack, the brilliant creator of website, and supported by members of his, two online resources that call into serious question reports of that day's victims."
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