06 October 2012 10:34 PM
The sheep have stampeded - and they'll sweep Ed straight into No10
This week, as if a switch had been flicked in their brains, they suddenly abandoned David Cameron, around whom they had been fawning loyally for years. And they transferred their loyalties to Edward Miliband.
It’s always more or less the same. The favoured one makes a speech and the word goes out ‘That was a great speech!’, and everyone says and writes that it was. It happened to Mr Slippery in Blackpool in October 2005.
Nobody can now remember what he said (because he didn’t say anything), but if you dared to suggest (as I did) that it wasn’t actually very good, other journalists would turn on you in impatient wrath.
The implication was that I should get with the project. ‘Can’t you see, you fool, that this is the line?’ I was duly punished, in various subtle ways, for my dissent.
I’d seen the same thing with Neil Kinnock and his over-rated attack on the tiny sect called Militant, hailed as if it were one of Churchill’s finest. I’d seen the ceaseless, abominable, shameful praising of the Blair creature and his windy, rather nasty orations.
And I’d also witnessed the moments when the sheep turned feral, rending William Hague, destroying Iain Duncan Smith, ganging up on Gordon Brown as if he had been a war criminal, rather than just another not-very-good politician.
I’d watched with interest their failed attempts to turn Edward Miliband into a second Gordon Brown. I’ve met Mr Miliband. I don’t have any time for his politics, but he’s a normally likeable human being and he was quite right to say clearly that the Iraq War was wrong. That’s why he’s leader, and his pro-war brother isn’t, as anyone who understands the Labour Party knows.
Well, smearing and mockery having failed, let’s try smarm. If the Tories couldn’t win the last Election with Gordon Brown as their opponent, how can they possibly hope to win the next one, after five years of failure, and with no Gordon to kick around?
It’s pretty obvious that Mr Miliband will be the next Prime Minister, and, in the end, our political media are power-worshippers.
That’s why a vast lake of drivel, slopping lazily backwards and forwards in the autumn winds, has been portrayed as a great speech, and why Mr Miliband will from now on find he has more and more friends he never knew he had. He shouldn’t expect it to last.
He asked for this
Mr Miliband likes to go on and on and on about how he went to a comprehensive school. He even had the nerve to say: ‘I wouldn’t be standing on this stage today without my comprehensive school education.’
Is that so? Actually, people educated in such schools are rare at the top of politics.
But in any case, does he owe his all to his school? Or did his ultra-Left parents, like so many other dogmatic socialists who are ‘committed to state schooling’, hire private tutors to get him up to Oxbridge standard?
On Wednesday afternoon, I asked Mr Miliband’s office if he had received private tuition. At the time of writing, I have had no reply.
‘One Nation’ was always a fake
The slogan of the washed-up Tory wets who were happy to implement Labour policies for ever. It’s also not true. Britain is plainly several nations.
Above all, there is the gulf between those who work and save, and those who don’t work, don’t save and who live off those who do.
Then there is the gulf between those who make things that people want to buy, and those paid by the state to provide compulsory ‘services’ that are often poor, and frequently actively undesirable. Then there’s the gulf between those who are sick of mass immigration, and want it stopped – and those who actively wish to transform the country with more immigration.
It isn’t one nation. That’s why it isn’t and shouldn’t be a one-party state. But, looking at the policies of all three major parties, you could be forgiven for thinking that we do have only one party, all the uglier for having three heads.
The future of rail, locked in a dusty cell
There is no excuse left for railway privatisation. Sweeteners paid to train firms mean private rail has cost far more to run than nationalised lines ever did. All rail travellers know that it has meant higher fares, and more crowded, slower trains.
Its defenders mistake changes that would have happened anyway for the results of private ownership. BR would have banned smoking too. Higher passenger numbers are caused by rising population and road congestion in the crowded South East.
And I could do without the huge increase in apologies. As a regular rail user, I generally receive a minimum of 20 apologies a week, mostly made by computers, and none of them involving any genuine intention to behave differently in future.
Now, the costly mess of the West Coast franchise – for which we will pay – shows that the whole system is misbegotten. It’s not just that Richard Branson has been mistreated (I never thought I’d say that). It’s that the public have been mistreated. If British Rail came back from the dead, I for one would embrace it with tears in my eyes as a long-lost friend.
But wait. I have discovered that British Rail is not dead at all, but does in fact still exist, and is kept locked in a basement of the Transport Department, just in case. Let it out. Bring it back. All is forgiven.
A footnote to the laughable Channel 4 programme on ‘ecstasy’ last week.
I couldn’t stand Jimmy Savile. But at least his death has helped uncover one of the grossest pieces of hypocrisy in modern times.
When the institution is the conservative Roman Catholic Church, the BBC cannot shut up about it. When the institution is the liberal, secular BBC, the Corporation mumbles feebly, and cancels its own programme on the subject. It wasn’t the children they cared about, you see.
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05 October 2012 12:15 PM
Whom do the Police Serve? - Part Three