Thursday, 4 October 2012

About Patrick Wood
Editor of Findings & Forecasts and TheAugust Forecast and Review, Wood is an expert on international economics, globalization and finance. He is co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington with the late Antony C. Sutton.

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A Special 2 Hour Message for the Church, on DVD. Addresses Transhumanism, Technocracy, Scientism and the book of Revelation..
  • Deflation on the rampage
  • California and France: Meltdown
  • Technocracy: Fusion Centers exposed
Several key and leading economic indicators plunged in September, some to the lowest levels since 2009. The global economy is rapidly moving into recession. DHS Fusion Centers are declared worthless by a Congressional study, but funding will probably continue anyway. Equities are still undecided on short-term direction but Primary Wave 3 down is still ahead.
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Patrick Wood, Editor
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