Sunday, 7 October 2012

Britain 'to be hit by 70s-style blackouts withing three years' and EU rules may also force up bills, warns Ofgem

  • Spare energy capacity could drop to just four per cent by winter 2015
  • Britain will be reliant on other countries for supply - and prices could skyrocket

Green rules coming from the EU threaten to plunge Britain into 1970s-style blackouts in three years and lead to energy bills doubling.
Millions could be pushed into fuel poverty – having to choose between heating or eating – because Brussels diktats are closing power stations needlessly, the Government’s energy regulator warned yesterday.
The plants that remain in Britain will not be able to keep up with demand by winter 2015, a dire report from Ofgem predicted.
Didcot power station: The station will close in 2013, further reducing the UK's power independence
Didcot power station: The station will close in 2013, further reducing the UK's power independence
The chance of blackouts, similar to those seen during the three-day week crisis of the 1970s, is currently rated as one in 3,300 by the energy regulator. But it could drop to as low as one in 12 over the next three years, Ofgem said.
The UK’s spare generating capacity, currently 14 per cent, could drop to 4 per cent or even shrink to nothing at the same time, it warned.
The ‘alarming’ findings have left senior figures in the energy industry desperately worried, sources say, as the vast scale of the challenges facing the UK’s energy future becomes clear.
If the report’s predictions come true, Britain could be left dependent on an unreliable undersea cable line with France for its emergency energy supply.
National Grid and the Government could order mothballed generating plants to fire up again to plug the energy gap. The battle to keep the lights on could then become a stand-off between British ministers trying to keep the country running and European bureaucrats trying to enforce rulings on the UK.
Ofgem said the UK faced ‘an unprecedented combination of the global financial crisis, tough environmental targets and the closure of ageing power stations that would increase the risk to consumers’ energy supplies and could lead to higher bills’.


Audrey Gallacher, director of Energy at Consumer Focus, said: 'While there is enough generation capacity to mean that widespread power-cuts are still unlikely, narrower margins mean the risks of outages are higher and scarcity of energy could also feed into possible price rises in future.
'Consumers need protection from price spikes as well as power cuts.
‘Action is needed to guarantee the secure energy supply the UK has enjoyed for decades.
'It is right that we close our oldest and most polluting energy plants, but it is essential that new initiatives deliver investment in alternative energy generation to meet this gap.
'At the same time however consumers cannot write a blank cheque to cover the costs of new energy. To avoid this happening the Government and regulator must ensure that the costs passed onto consumers are fully transparent and rigorously scrutinised.
'We also need to see energy efficiency programmes being delivered as widely and effectively as possible. Making our housing stock more energy efficient not only cuts demand and provides a greater margin with our supply – it also provides much-needed reductions in consumers' bills.'
The report warned that there ‘will be a significant reduction in electricity supplies from coal and oil plants over the period, primarily driven by closures required by European environmental legislation’.
It added: ‘The risk of electricity shortfalls is expected to be highest at the end of the period, in 2015-16 and 2016-17.’
The most damaging piece of EU ‘green tape’, industry insiders say, is a 2001 measure designed to limit emissions for older power stations. The Large Combustion Plant Directive forces all coal or oil-fired power plants built before 1987 to install expensive emissions-reducing equipment or face closure by 2015.
It was spawned out of the Brussels obsession with weaning all European countries off coal power. But because of Britain’s rich mining heritage, it is a measure that hits the UK harder than any other EU member.  Nine of the UK’s coal and oil-fired power stations are destined to shut by 2015. This represents about 15 per cent of the UK’s total generating capacity. This would leave Britain dependent on imported gas – which comes with a notoriously volatile price tag.
Dark future: Ofgem warned that due to the new EU rules closing power stations Britain may have to face 1970s blackouts by 2015
Dark future: Ofgem warned that due to the new EU rules closing power stations Britain may have to face 1970s blackouts by 2015
Respected energy analyst Peter Atherton said: ‘What’s difficult now is that there is legislation in place that will shut down plants deliberately. There are very good plants that are being ordered to shut before they should. The rest of the coal fleet is under a sentence of death.’
At the moment market energy prices are about £50 per megawatt hour – the unit used to measure power. Mr Atherton said prices could ‘easily’ hit £100 per megawatt hour in 2015. Energy Secretary Ed Davey said the Government would respond to the report before the end of the year. He said: ‘Security of electricity supply is of critical importance to the health of the economy and the smooth functioning of our daily lives.’
Consumer groups called on the Government to protect homeowners from ever-rising bills. Richard Lloyd, director of consumer group Which?, said: ‘It’s alarming to hear Ofgem predicting that we could be relying more on imported gas in a matter of years which could mean further price rises for hard-pressed consumers.’
÷ Britons are among the world’s biggest climate change sceptics, a poll found. Only 63 per cent believe global warming has been scientifically proven, according to the survey of 13 countries for insurance firm Axa. Only Japan had more dissent.


The stark warning that  the lights in Britain could go out within three years, as  a result of the country’s  mad dash towards a greener energy policy, is a terrible indictment of the prevarication  and zigzags of government policy  on energy. 
Warnings that Britain’s energy supplies were on a knife-edge were frequent during Labour’s 13 years in office, but it was not until the dying months of Gordon Brown’s administration that Downing Street finally committed to new nuclear.
And while the dithering went on, the European Union continually tightened environmental standards, further undermining Britain’s energy security.
The coal-fired power station at Drax, North Yorkshire, will have to come off line, but plans to replace it with biomass or cleaner coal have failed to come to fruition and new nuclear is still on the drawing board. 
As for wind-power and coastal energy turbines, so favoured by the Coalition when it came to office, the generous subsidies are being removed making it a much less attractive investment for the big six energy companies.
Meanwhile, so far the Coalition has failed to come up with a pricing policy that makes development of a new generation of nuclear power stations sufficiently attractive to the foreign investors on whom the UK is relying.
Now, Energy Secretary Ed Davey’s new ‘dash for gas’ is expected to be at the centre of the Energy Bill due before the Commons shortly.
But experts point out that some of the UK’s mothballed gas power stations could take years to come back on line and new capacity will take upwards of four years to build.
Most worrying of all, by placing so much emphasis on gas Britain exposes itself to the vicissitudes of the global energy market.
British-owned Centrica has taken a number of steps to secure gas supplies through the Norwegian Langeled gas pipeline and by securing long-term  liquid natural gas contracts with  Qatar – a Middle East ally with some  of the largest natural gas reserves in the world.
But as the UK has found in the  past, when Russia closed off gas  pipelines through Ukraine, power  supplies are at the mercy of events beyond our control.
Unlike other trading nations, such as Holland, the UK has failed to build sufficient storage capacity to see us through a prolonged geo-political crisis.
The most positive thing that can be said of the warning from Ofgem is that it may finally galvanise Whitehall and a fractured government into action.
Big global power companies such as Electricite de France, which owns British Energy’s nuclear stations, will have  to be offered a firm promise of a generous base price if new nuclear is finally to go ahead.
But it could be at least a decade  before that power comes on stream.  If the interim solution is more gas,  consumers will once again find  themselves at the mercy of market prices.
In recent times wholesale gas  prices have started to come down because of new American extraction techniques known as ‘fracking’. This  has made the US almost self-sufficient.
That ought to make gas supplies more plentiful. But relying on imported energy, at a time when the Middle East is in flames, can hardly be regarded as looking after the nation’s economic or national security.

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