In defense of myself I would like to offer this disclaimer. Although I am a registered Republican I no longer share the values of the Republican Party. I am not one of their hacks and I have not been a consumer of the “Democrat bad…Republican good” kool-aid dispensed by most conservative talk radio hosts. I don’t support either “party.” But......
by Coach Dave Daubenmire
Fifty years of daft social and economic policies, fifty years of public education, and 100 years of the churches butting out, have done their work. We don’t need crazy leaders anymore to wreck the country. We’re wrecking it ourselves. They may blunder into a world war or spend us into oblivion; but we are demolishing our culture. Insane leaders may speed up the process: but I dare any leader in America to try to slow it down.......
by Lee Duigon
The official description of the video, which includes dramatic music and a woman entering a voting booth and marking a ballot, says, “Some things are more important than high gas prices or a faltering economy. They are life, marriage and freedom. Will you vote the values that will stand the test of fire?”.....
Pray tell, how has this happened? How has it happened that the most courageous defenders of liberty in the world (the American people) have become complacent condoners of tyranny? I place the bulk of the blame on America's pastors and preachers. For decades, they have told and retold their congregants to "trust the government," "submit to the government," "obey the government," "the government is good," "the government is of God," etc. They have bastardized Romans 13 and helped turn free men and women into sheepish slaves of the state.......
by Pastor Chuck Baldwin