Friday, 5 October 2012

Friday, October 05, 2012


Iran Regime Blames 'Economic Conspiracy'

A collapsing currency, riots and arrests … what Iran's mad march toward atomic armageddon has wrought. Read more

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Euro Zone Considering Insurance for Spanish Government Bonds

A Reuters exclusive. Read it here.

The plan could cost 50 billion euros ($64.5 billion).


UK, France, Germany Press for More Iran Sanctions

Now is the time to bring the monstrous mullahocracy to its knees. The EU seems to agree.Read more.

Truly crippling sanctions and a fuel blockade may constitute the last chance to avoid all-out war.

But a deadly, venomous snake that is merely wounded is exceptionally dangerous. The serpent must be killed; the turbaned tyranny must go. Regime change in Iran is a must--for the civilized world.